Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 April 22, 2008
 Women must work nearly 16 months to earn as much as men earn in one year

Houston, TX – Congressman Al Green (TX-09) released the following statement today on Equal Pay Day:

“Every year, this great nation commemorates equal pay day, a day dedicated to highlighting the need for equal pay for workers across America.  Thirty-five years after the passage of the landmark Equal Pay Act, inequality is still an obstacle for many hard-working Americans. Equal Pay Day reminds us that in spite of the Declaration of Independence, in spite of the Constitution, in spite of civil rights laws, women are still being discriminated against when it comes to equality of pay.

“In 2006, women earned 76 and one half cents for every dollar men earned, a disparity of 23 and half cents. As bad as this is, the details are worse: 
• High school male teachers earned an average pay of $49,660 per year, while their female counterparts earned $42,848 per year- with the same tenure and credentials. 
• Male marketing and sales managers earned an average pay of $74,932 per year while their female counterparts earned $46,696 per year. 
• Male physicians earned an average pay of $97,448 per year while their female counterparts earned $50,856 per year.”
“Although the Equal Pay Act of 1963 required that men and women be given equal pay for equal work, many hard-working American women and their families are still adversely affected by the wage gap.  All working Americans, regardless of their gender, deserve the right to earn equal pay for equal work. Inequality in the work place is not a partisan issue, it is an American issue.  This is an issue which impacts the foundation of our nation and the strength of our families.” 

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