Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 November 22, 2005

Green: FEMA Should Honor Its Commitment to City of Houston and Evacuees

Washington, DC – Congressman Al Green (TX-9) coordinated a letter that was sent to Acting FEMA Director R. David Paulison that was signed by thirteen Members of the Texas Congressional Delegation. The letter expresses the Member’s opposition to the department’s decision to stop payment on hotel costs for Katrina flood victims. 

“We all want to see evacuees in permanent housing but our federal agencies should reconsider the two weeks notice and be more reasonable given the circumstances. When tragedy struck and thousands were left helpless, it was the City of Houston that immediately answered their call. Now is the time for FEMA to honor its commitment and responsibilities to our city and Katrina evacuees,” said Green. 

The bi-partisan letter applies further pressure to FEMA to revise its decision to end housing assistance programs on December 1st and March 1st. The letter also calls on FEMA to:

(1) extend the deadline for federal reimbursements for hotel and motel rooms occupied by evacuees until a clear, long-term housing plan has been implemented;
(2) honor its existing obligations, including its original guarantee of providing evacuee housing reimbursement for a 12-month period through September 1, 2006;
(3) give authority to the Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) or Houston liaison to approve local requests for an extension of the reimbursement period for hotel and motel leases; and
(4) develop an agreement with HUD to reimburse public housing agencies for the cost of HUD Section 8 vouchers made available to Katrina evacuees that were not HUD-assisted at the time Katrina hit.

In addition to Green, the letter was also signed by Reps. Michael Burgess, Henry Cuellar, Lloyd Doggett, Chet Edwards, Charlie Gonzalez, Gene Green, Ruben Hinojosa, Sheila Jackson Lee, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Michael McCaul, Solomon Ortiz and Ron Paul. 


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