Congressman Al Green: Working for the People of the Ninth District of Texas
 January 3, 2007
 Congressman Al Green’s Statement on the Passing of President Gerald Ford

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Al Green released the following statement today on the passing of former President Gerald Ford:

"President Ford presided over our nation at a time when its citizens had suffered through the tragic scandal of the Watergate Affair, and when our nation was struck by divisiveness and polarization. Yet, President Ford rose above these troubling times to bring dignity and integrity back to the White House and was a unifying symbol of our nation’s resolve to go forward.

"As a fellow Congressman, I have a tremendous amount of respect for President Ford’s public service and his political accomplishments during his tenure in the House of Representatives. He was a strong leader who stressed the importance of sacrifice and team work and made countless sacrifices on behalf of this great country.

"President Ford sacrificed his presidency to stabilize our presidency. Americans respect him and history shall be kind to him, but above all the presidency will be forever indebted to him. It is with great sadness that I mourn the passing of President Gerald R. Ford, a great American, an admirable former Member of Congress, and a pillar of the Presidency. May God continue to keep and bless him."

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