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Azerbaijan Yellow Pages 2001-2002 cover

Address/Telephone Directories
from the Caucasus
at the Library of Congress

This is a finding aid for telephone directories from the countries of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. It consists of over 20 entries representing the Library of Congress' uncataloged holdings of Soviet and post-Soviet era titles as of October 2008. It is arranged by country, then by city, and then by the year prominently displayed on the cover of the piece. Directories that cover the entire country appear first in the list. The type of directory is indicated by the words "residential", "organizational", or "both" for directories that include both business and private numbers. Most of the directories are in Russian, but several have parallel Russian/English titles and entries. The geographic names used in this list for all three countries reflect recent changes away from the former Soviet and/or Russian names.

In addition to the uncataloged directories listed below, the Library also holds a handful that are cataloged and may be paged from the closed stacks using their call numbers. To locate these directories, search the online catalog using subject keywords such as "Armenia" and "directories" or the name of a city plus "directories".

There are two possible locations for the uncataloged telephone directories in this list from the countries of the Caucasus: the closed stacks (directories are currently held on Deck 5S, Adams Building and Deck 36, Jefferson Building) and the open stacks of the Main Reading Room reference collection (Alcove 4, Deck 46). For items in the closed stacks a reader must request the books by completing a call slip; the other location is open to the public for browsing. The finding aid designates both locations as MRR/GC.

Besides using printed telephone directories, a reader may find it helpful to use online directories available for free on the Internet. A Russian telephone portal,, links to online directories in the Caucasus region by country or by city. Searching of these web sites generally will require the use of Cyrillic characters as well as some knowledge of the Russian language.

This finding aid was created by Angela Cannon. For further information concerning telephone directories from the countries of the Caucasus held by the Library of Congress, please contact any of the following:

Angela Cannon,
Reference Specialist
European Division
Hirad Dinavari,
Reference Librarian
African & Middle Eastern Division
Lev Avdoyan,
Area Specialist,
(Armenia and Georgia)
African & Middle Eastern Division
Disclaimer for External Links


City or Region Year Title Type Notes Location at LC
Erevan 1974 Spisok abonentov Erevanskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti Both LC's volume is a bound photocopy MRR/GC
Erevan 1987 Spisok abonentov Erevanskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti : kvartirnye telefony Res. LC has 2 copies; both are bound photocopies MRR/GC


City or Region Year Title Type Notes Location at LC
  2001/02 Business Yellow Pages of Azerbaijan Org. In both English and Russian. 3rd edition. MRR/GC
 2003/04 Yellow Pages of Azerbaijan Org. In both English and Russian. 5th edition MRR/GC
 2004/05 Yellow Pages of Azerbaijan Org. In both English and Russian. 6th edition MRR/GC
Baku 1952 Spisok abonentov Bakinskoi telefonnoi seti Both LC's copy is a bound set of photographs MRR/GC
Baku 1954 Spisok abonentov Bakinskoi telefonnoi seti Both   MRR/GC
Baku 1963 Baku: kratkaia adresno-spravochnaia kniga Org. LC's copy is a bound photocopy MRR/GC
Baku 1973 Spravochnik Bakinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti: kvartirnye telefony Res. LC has 3 copies MRR/GC
Baku 1978 Spravochnik Bakinskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti : chast' 2 Org. Complete organizational listings. Residential listings in another volume that LC does not hold MRR/GC
Baku 1988 Spravochnik po kooperativam i predpriiatiiam, organizatsiiam, okazyvaiiushchim platnye uslugi naseleniiu Org. LC's volume is a photocopy MRR/GC
Baku 1998 Zhiteli stolitsy : telefonnyi spravochnik Res. This is a 3-volume set. Volume 1 contains surnames A- G, volume 2 contains D-M, volume 3 contains N-IA MRR/GC


City or Region Year Title Type Notes Location at LC
  1989 Spravochnik = C‘nobani Org. Membership directory for the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. In both Georgian and Russian MRR/GC
Gagra 1958 Telefonnyi spravochnik goroda Gagra Both LC's copy is a photostat MRR/GC
P‘ot‘i 1956 Abonentskii spisok uchrezhdenii, predpriiatii, organizatsii i kvartir Potiiskoi GTS Both LC's volume is a photocopy MRR/GC
Rust‘avi 1970 Spisok abonentov telefonnoi seti goroda Rustavi Both LC has 2 copies MRR/GC
Sukhumi 1963 Spravochnik Sukhumskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti Both LC's volume is a photocopy MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1935/36 Spisok abonentov Tiflisskoi avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi seti na ... Both   MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1947 Spisok abonentov Tbilisskoi avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi seti Both LC holds 2 copies; one is an original and the other is a photostat MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1951 SIA. Tbilisis avt‘omat‘uri t‘elep‘onis k‘selis abonent‘ebisa   In Georgian MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1957 Tbilisskaia gorodskaia telefonnaia set' : spisok abonentov Both   MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1959 Tbilisskaia gorodskaia telefonnaia set' : dopolnitel'nyi spisok abonentov GTS k telefonnomu spravochniku izdaniia ... g. Both Supplement to the 1957 directory. LC's copy is a photostat MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1965 Upravlenie telefonnoi seti g. Tbilisi : spisok nomerov telefonov abonentov telefonnoi seti g. Tbilisi, izdannyi v sviazi s izmeneniem sistemy avtomaticheskoi telefonnoi stantsii ATS-3 v raione im. Kalinina Both Does not include any names--just the old numbers alongside the new numbers MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1972 Spisok abonentov Tbilisskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi Both   MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1980 Telefony uchrezhdenii, predpriiatii i organizatsii g. Tbilisi Org. LC's volume is a photocopy MRR/GC
Tbilisi 1982 Spisok kvartirnykh telefonov Tbilisi Res. LC has 2 copies MRR/GC
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  November 24, 2008
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