The Hispanic World, 1492-1898


Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs Division(1)
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Washington D.C. 20540

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Hours of Service: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am-5:00 pm

Librarian: Dr. Jeremy E. Adamson, Division Chief
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Collections: Mexican Indian Pictorial Document Collection (MIPDC); and Sources for American Architectural Drawings in Foreign Collections (The Massey Collection ) Selected Bibliography | Notes

Mexican Indian Pictorial Document Collection

Archivo General de Indias | Archivo General de Simancas | Real Academia de la Historia

This collection consists of material gathered by Dr. Howard F. Cline; it is accompanied by a description and an inventory written by Dr. John B. Glass in 1973. The collection consists of 900 mounted photographs, 13 of which are photographs of materials from Spanish archives.

Archivo General de Indias

Title: "Arbol genealógico de la descendencia de Motezuma [sic]."
Date/Place: 1596.
Original location: Archivo General de Indias (AGI).(2) [Mapas y Planos, no. 44].
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
Library of Congress/Prints and Photographs [LC/P&P] filing location: Supplementary Series #7; negative #LC-USZ9-S7-1.

References: Torres Lanzas, México [hereinafter TL] (1900): I, #44, p. 48.

Title: "Azcapozalco, Trozo de, [una relación]."
Date/Place: 1543; Azcapozalco [presently part of México, D.F.].
Original location: AGI,(3) [Estante 145 - Cajón 7 - Legajo 8 (17) or Mapas y Planos no. 47].
Copy: 2 positive photographs.
LC/P&P filing location: Census #19; negative #LC-USZ9-19-1.

References:"Simple property plan showing the glyph of Azcapotzalco, a house, adjacent fields, a maguey plant, and Spanish money. It is related to a visita by [Lic. Cristóbal] Tello de Sandoval, the text of it may also be in the AGI". Listed as #19 in John B. Glass' inventory of the MIPDC. TL: [México. v. I, #7, p. 20]. See also TL: México. v. I, #47 in the Geography and Map Division section of this entry.

Title: "Mapa de Cuzcatlan".
Date/Place: October 26, 1580; Tlaxcala.
Original location: AGI.(4)
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #20; negative #LC-US29-RG20-1.

Title: "Mapa del Obispado de Nueva Galicia, Año de 1550".
Date/Place: 1550.
Original location: AGI, 52-1-1-22.(5)
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: Supplementary series #6; negative #LC-USZ9-S6-1.

References: Photograph copies from Mariano Cuevas' Historia de la Iglesia en México, 1921-1928. v. 2, p. 378.

Title: "Mapa de Tuzantla".
Date/Place: October 20, 1579; Michoacán.
Original location: AGI.(6)
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #76; negative #LC-USZ9-RG76-1.

Title: "Mapa de Valladolid. Pintura I".
Date/Place: April 8-9, 1579; Yucatán.
Original location: AGI.(7)
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #79; negative #LC-USZ9-RG79-1.

Title: "Mapa de Valladolid. Pintura II".
Date/Place: Abril 8-9, 1580; Yucatán.
Original locations: AGI, Indiferente general, legajo 1530; TL: México, #15.
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #80; negative #LC-USZ9-RG80-1.

Title: "Mapa de Xalapa de Vera Cruz".
Date/Place: October 20, 1580; Tlaxcala.
Original location: AGI.(8)
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #83; negative #LC-USZ9-RG83-1.

Archivo General de Simancas

Title: "Coyoacán, Pintura de los Tributos que pagaban los Indios de, según la Moderación que hizo el Doctor Gómes de Santillan".
Date/Place: XVI century; Coyoacán [presently part of México City, D.F.]. Original location: AGS.(9) Copy: 2 positive, 2 negative: upper half, lower half. LC/P&P filing location: Census #82; negative #LC-USZ9-82-1; #LC-USZ9-82-2.

Real Academia de la Historia

Title: "Mapa de Teotitlan de Camino".
Date/Place: September 15-22, 1581; Antequera.
Original location: Real Academia de la Historia (RAH), Madrid.
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #59; negative #LC-US9-RG59-1.

Title: "Mapa de Tlacotlalpa".
Date/Place: February 18-22, 1580; Tlaxcala.
Original location: RAH.
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #73; negative #LC-USZ9-RC73-1.

Title: "Minas de Compostela".
Date/Place: November 26, 1584; Guadalajara.
Original location: RAH.
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #17; negative #LC-USZ9-RG17-1.

References: After Joaquín Ramírez Cabañas (ed.), Mota y Escobar, Alonso de la. Descripción geográfica de los Reynos de Galicia. México: Bibliófilos mexicanos, 1930. opp. p. 80; 1940, opp. p. 80.

Title: "Minas de Zumpango del Río".
Date/Place: March 10, 1582; México.
Original location: RAH.
Copy: 1 positive; 1 negative.
LC/P&P filing location: RG census #91; negative #LS-USZ9-RG91-1.

Sources for American Architectural Drawings in Foreign Collections (The Massey Collection)

Archivo General de Indias | Archivo General de Simancas | Archivo Histórico Militar

This is the richest collection in the Prints and Photographs Division containing material from Spanish archives; however, this collection is unprocessed and therefore, not open to the public.

The collection consists of photographs, transparencies and negatives of architectural drawings relating to the United States, created in 1969 by James C. Massey, Chief of the Historic American Building Survey of the National Park Service. The collection consists of about 93 photographs of material from the Spanish archives divided as follows: 41 from the Archivo General de Indias, 10 from the Archivo General de Simancas and 42 from the Archivo Histórico Militar. The following are but a few examples of this collection:

Archivo General de Indias

Title: "Plano del Fuerte de San Carlos de Barrancas en la Bahía de Santa María de Gálvez, con los proyectos del Fuerte y de la Plaza de Armas".
Date/Place: October 20, 1784; San Miguel de Panzacola.
Original location: AGI, M[apas] y P[lanos], Luisiana y Florida, 99.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: There is another copy in the HABS [Historic American Building Survey] collection, #FLA-17-Pensa. 3-13.

Title: "Plano de la Batería proyectada para la entrada del Caño de Mardigras en el Río Misisipi, para cruzar sus fuegos con los del Fuerte que se proyecta al otro lado del mismo Río en la Punta del Torno de Placcamina".
Date/Place: March 20, 1787; New Orleans.
Original location: AGI, M[apas] y P[lanos], Luisiana y Florida, 106.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Title: "Plano en que se manifiesta el actual estado de la Aduana de esta Plaza de S[an] Juan de Puerto Rico como asimysmo el Proyecto para su aumento en los términos que se indican por su Plano y Perfil lavado de amarillo".
Date/Place: August 26, 1784; Puerto Rico.
Original location: AGI, M[apas] y P[lanos], Santo Domingo, 502.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Archivo General de Simancas

Title: "Plano de Puerto Rico en la I'a [sic for Isla] de este nombre, cituado en 18o 37' de latitud septentrional y en la longitud de 59o 42' de Ocidente del Observatorio de Cádiz Lebantado por el Primer Piloto de la Real Armada Don Francisco Ramón Méndez en Diciembre de 1782".
Date/Place: December 1782.
Original location: AGS, M[apas] y P[lanos], XVIII-133.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Title: "Plano de la Movila en latitud de 30,, grados y 10,, minutos cuya conquista e igualmente la de su pacificación y habitaciones se ha hecho por el Brigadier y Comandante General de la provincia de la Luisiana el 12 de Marzo de 1780, Don Bernardo de Gálvez".
Date/Place: March 12, 1780.
Original location: AGS, M[apas] y P[lanos], XV-6.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Title: "Plano Volante Que manifiesta la parte de la Villa de Nueva Orleans consumida en el incendio de 8 de Diciembre de 1794".
Date/Place:December 25, 1794; New Orleans.
Original location: AGS, M[apas] y P[lanos], XVI-132.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Archivo Histórico Militar (Madrid)

Title: "Casa de locos para 124 enfermos de ambos secsos [sic for sexos] alojados comodamente y dependiente de la Casa de Beneficiencia de Puerto Rico por el Teniente Coronel Comandante del R. Cuerpo de Ingenieros D. Antonio M. Guitian".
Date/Place: 1861.
Original location: Archivo Histórico Militar (AHM), 5 767-K-b-9-7.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Title: "Plano de la Plaza de Puerto Rico y sus immediaciones".
Date/Place: September 13, 1783.
Original location: AHM, 5.793-K-b-3-45.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Title: "Plano que manifiesta la situación de la Plaza de San Juan de Puerto Rico, y fortificaciones en su actual estado, con el de su población".
Date/Place: November 6, 1792; Puerto Rico.
Original location: AHM, 5.795-K-b-3-47.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Title: "Plano y Perfiles de un Almacen de Pólvora Aprueba capaz de 3000 Quintales, Mandada, por Real Orden su construcción, intermedio al sitio de la Horca y Castillo de S[a]n. Felipe del Morro".
Date/Place: June 1, 1787; Puerto Rico.
Original location: AHM, 5.800-K-b-8-16.
Copy: 1 positive.
LC/P&P filing location: Unprocessed collection.

Suggested Bibliography

For readings concerning the maps and drawings, see the Geography and Maps Division's entry above.

Betz, Elisabeth W. Subject Headings used in the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. 1980.

Melville, Annette. Special Collections in the Library of Congress: A Selective Guide. 1980. 464 p.

Vanderbilt, Paul, comp. Guide to the Special Collections of Prints and Photographs in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: The Library of Congress, 1955. 200 p.

Viewpoints: A Selection from the Pictorial Collections of the Library of Congress. 1975. 223 p.


1. Research for this entry was done by Juan Manuel Pérez.

2. AGI sección and legajo numbers are not available.

3. Idem.

4. Idem.

5. AGI pre-1929 classification.

6. AGI sección and legajo number are not available.

7. Idem.

8. Idem.

9. AGS sección and legajo numbers are not available.

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