American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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The American Negro Exhibit

Occupations of Negroes and Whites in Georgia
Atlanta University
Occupations of Negroes and Whites in Georgia, no.27
Ink and colored pencil chart on board, ca. 1900
Prints & Photographs Division
Bequest of Daniel A.P. Murray, ca. 1926 (46A.11)
Digital ID# ppmsca-08993

The 1900 Paris Exposition's Palace of Social Economy and Congresses Pavilion provided the perfect opportunity for W.E.B. Du Bois to inform the masses the progress made by the American Negro from emancipation to the present day 1900. The charts and photographs prepared for display were to show the progress already attained and how it compared with that of their counterparts. Featured is an occupational pie chart demonstrating that African Americans were engaged in the same basic employment as whites and a graph highlighting the diversity of African American businesses in 1900. It was prepared at Atlanta University where Du Bois was a professor of sociology at the time.

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