American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Memory, Exhibit Object Focus

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The Stars and Stripes

Stars and Stripes newspaper
The Stars and Stripes.
Vol. 2, no. 5 (March 7, 1919)
Serial & Government Publications Division (58.14 )

From February 8, 1918, to June 13, 1919, by order of General John J. Pershing, the U.S. Army published a newspaper for its WWI forces, The Stars and Stripes. When the paper began publication, American troops were dispersed throughout the Western Front, and the newspaper provided these scattered troops with unity of purpose. At the peak of its production, the paper had a circulation of 526,000 readers. As this issue illustrates, The Stars and Stripes was a deliberate attempt to recreate the American soldier's hometown newspaper--the eight page weekly featured news from the home front, war reporting, sports, health and welfare projects, poetry, and cartoons.


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