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Health Coverage & the Uninsured: Reform Proposals
Guide Provides Overview of Policy Approaches to Covering the Uninsured
This reference guide explains the key strategies for expanding affordable coverage to the nation's uninsured population and explains how approaches can be combined to form comprehensive reform proposals.
New Interactive Side-by-Side Comparisons of Presidential Candidate Health Care Proposals
The new interactive online tool summarizes candidate positions in four overall categories of access to health care coverage, cost containment, improving the quality of care and financing. Users can create their own comparisions adding up to four candidates into a printable side-by-side summary.
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Pulling it Together With Drew Altman: Window of Opportunity? -- January 2009
In his latest essay for "Pulling It Together, From Drew Altman," the Foundation's President and CEO explores whether current economic conditions combined with other key factors have presented a rare opportunity for successful passage of health care reform.
Resources on National Health Reform Efforts -- December 2008 Video/Audio
The Kaiser Family Foundation has a number of resources that provide insight into the nation's health care challenges and various health reform proposals being considered at the national and state levels.
Pulling It Together: The "R" Word Is Back -- December 2008
In his latest essay for "Pulling It Together, From Drew Altman," the Foundation's President and CEO reviews the history of regulation in health and the return of regulatory approaches to the health policy agenda and how they fit in health reform.
Approaches to Covering the Uninsured: A Guide -- December 2008 KCMU Material
This reference guide from the Foundation's Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured summarizes the key strategies for expanding coverage to the nation's 45 million people without health insurance and explains how policy options can be combined to form comprehensive reform proposals.
President-Elect Obama's Campaign Position on Health Reform and Other Health Care Issues -- November 2008
These summaries explain President-Elect Obama's campaign proposal on comprehensive health reform, as well as his campaign positions on a variety of other health care issues.
Pulling It Together: Keeping the Health Reform Coalition Together -- November 2008
In his latest essay for "Pulling It Together, From Drew Altman," the Foundation's President and CEO looks toward a future health reform debate and a potential schism between advocates of long-term health delivery system changes and those who think there needs to be immediate help for the uninsured and the insured struggling with the cost of health care.  He ponders whether budget woes and a crowded policy agenda that limits health reform to incremental changes will splinter the health reform coalition.
States Moving Towards Comprehensive Health Care Reform -- November 2008 KCMU Material
With the problem of the uninsured continuing to grow, states have taken the lead in developing proposals to reform of their health care systems with the goal of significantly increasing the number of people with health coverage.  An interactive map and related summaries of plans track which states have enacted or are planning comprehensive initiatives to cover their uninsured population.
Covering the Uninsured: Options for Reform -- September 2008 KCMU Material
The first in a series of 2008 election briefs on health policy issues provides key facts on the nation’s uninsured population, presents broad policy options for coverage, and offers questions to assess the presidential candidates' plans.
Global HIV/AIDS Timeline -- August 2008
This interactive web-based timeline, designed to serve as an ongoing reference tool for many of the political, scientific, cultural, and community events that have occurred over the history of the epidemic, begins with 1981 and includes key events and noteworthy activities through today. 
Health Reform Resources on health08.org -- July 2008
A collection of resources on health reform issues from the Kaiser Family Foundation
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Heath Coverage & the Uninsured: Reform Proposals
Many of the more recent legislative proposals for expanding health insurance coverage to more Americans have an important common element: government-funded subsides for health insurance for low and modest income people. The proposals however differ significantly in the method used to provide these subsidies – specifically, reliance on tax policies to purchase private insurance vs. expansion of existing public insurance programs.


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Medicaid "Mandatory" and "Optional" Eligibility and Benefits
Policy brief detailing the eligibility and benefit structure of Medicaid showing what portions of enrollment and spending are mandatory or optional.
Bush Administration Press Conference
Secretary Thompson discusses the Bush administration's plans for reforming the Medicaid program – January, 2003.
Covering the Low-Income Uninsured: Assessing the Alternatives
An issue brief describing and analyzing expansions of Medicaid and SCHIP, tax credits for individually-purchased insurance, and tax credits for employment-based health insurance as options to expand health coverage of the low-income population.
Getting Real:
Timely Ways to Insure the Uninsured

Webcast of an April, 2001 Alliance for Health Reform and Kaiser Family Foundation briefing addressing questions about how tax credit programs can be used to cover the uninsured.
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