Issues and Legislation

On the Issues


Brooklyn housesCongresswoman Velázquez is dedicated to ensuring that New York City residents have housing options that are both affordable and accessible. Renters and home owners in the 12th Congressional District face critical housing needs, with most paying more than half their income in rent or mortgage payments and many living in unacceptable conditions.

As New York City’s senior Member on the U.S. House Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity, the Congresswoman is a strong advocate for public housing residents and has taken steps to preserve and revitalize government-owned housing properties. To address the shortage of affordable housing, she supports efforts that combine housing market-driven solutions, federal support, and state and local initiatives.

Knowing that good ideas are abundant in her community, NYC housing experts and grassroots housing activists are consulted to help formulate solutions for the city’s unique housing problems. Comprehensive efforts are needed today to ensure that the nation’s housing market regains its footing, and the American dream of homeownership remains an achievable goal.

Alternatives to War:

An active member of the House of Representatives Out of Iraq Caucus, Congresswoman Velázquez advocates to bring our soldiers home safely from Iraq and Afghanistan. She opposed the Iraq war from day one – voting “No” on giving the President congressional authorization to use military force.

She has voted consistently against funding for the war and opposes any measure that does not include a timeline for withdrawal. The Congresswoman has also introduced legislation to allow taxpayers to block their tax dollars from paying for the conflict in Iraq. This war is not supported by the public or Congress, yet our nation remains mired in combat. Now is the time to hand responsibility over to the Iraqis and start bringing our troops home.

Small Business:

Small firms are the backbone of the American economy, and nowhere is that more clear than in New York City. More than 200,000 small businesses throughout the Big Apple produce $4.5 billion per year in revenue, helping to make our city the vibrant and diverse place that it is.

As Chairwoman of the House Committee on Small Business, Congresswoman Velázquez is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs. She supports initiatives to limit the impact that rising energy costs and regulatory and tax burdens have on small businesses. Small firms also need assistance from Congress to secure better financing for capital purchases, obtain world-class training and development programs, and open doors to sell their products and services around the globe. Assisting small firms secure affordable health insurance for themselves and their employees is another top priority.
Our nation has always relied on the proven innovation and flexibility that comes with a small business economy. Entrepreneurs count on Congresswoman Velázquez as an unyielding advocate of their rights and needs, and can be certain that she will continue her efforts to provide them with the tools needed to succeed.


Today, there is a shamefully large gap between the rich and the poor in America. Working families should not have to live in poverty in a country of our wealth. Congresswoman Velázquez is focused on fostering principled investments that will eliminate the technological divide that exists and improve the quality of life for everyone in our communities.

The Congresswoman strongly supports efforts to establish a living wage, strengthening one of America’s most important anti-poverty measures—the Earned Income Tax Credit—and providing workers with the leverage they need to negotiate fair wages, health insurance and safe workplace conditions. These programs will help to improve the lives of all laborers in the 12th District and their families.

The federal government must join together with local communities to reclaim and restore environmentally-damaged areas so that residents can enjoy the use of safe and vibrant locations throughout their communities. She recognizes that revitalizing our neighborhoods is a key component to improving the local economy, and is committed to making New York’s 12th Congressional District a better place for all its residents.