Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

March 27, 2008
Contact: Emile Milne | Elbert Garcia 
(202) 225-4365 | 212-663-3900


New York - Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement as the war in Iraq enters its sixth year and members of Congress look to return to Washington next week.

Five years ago, President Bush stood tall in defending the immoral preemptive invasion of Iraq. His Administration convinced the American people and the Congress that democracy in our country and freedom around the world would be threatened if we did not strike.

Five years and 4,000 American casualties later, we now know that this was all a lie. Just weeks ago, the Pentagon confirmed what most Americans already knew: There were no weapons of mass destruction, and no connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

Today, we are no closer to capturing Osama bin Laden than we were in the spring of 2003. Our misguided policies have allowed anti-American hate to fester across the Muslim world, and sullied our prestige among friends.

This is not the fault of our men and women in uniform. They and their families have put their lives on hold to dutifully serve their country. It is not their fault that this Administration has over-extended our military forces, relying increasingly part-time National Guard and Reserve soldiers. It is not their fault that the President has failed to rally the nation or called for any sharing of the sacrifice of war.

It is a disgrace that those 1.5 million-plus volunteers who have served are actually part of an "economic draft." The majority of those serving are young people who are not only patriotic but are those who most need the large attractive bonuses being offered by the military.

We must reverse our current course in Iraq. Too many lives have been lost, by both Iraqi's and Americans. Too much money has lined the pockets of the wealthy and companies like Halliburton. Too many of our allies have lost faith in our words and moral authority. Too many budget deficits have stripped away our ability to invest in education, healthcare or job opportunities.

The country we leave to our children and grandchildren must be a beacon of hope at home and abroad, one where everyone has a shot at the American Dream. But we cannot begin to ensure the success of the next generation unless we end our war in Iraq.


2354 Rayburn House
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-4365

163 W. 125th Street #737
New York, NY 10027
(212) 663-3900

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