News Release
Charles Rangel, Congressman, 15th District

July 25, 2008
Contact: Emile Milne | Elbert Garcia 
(202) 225-4365 | (212) 663-3900


Black dancer and activist popularized African and Caribbean dance


WASHINGTON - Under the stewardship of Congressman Rangel, the House Wednesday passed a resolution honoring the late Katherine Dunham – a premier African-American dancer, choreographer, and civil rights activist whose incorporation of Black dance and ritual revolutionized the art form. She died at 96 in New York.

"Dunham merits official recognition in the records of Congress for her enduring achievements, but most of all, for her love of humanity," Rangel said.

From her stint on Broadway to her trailblazing work at the Metropolitan Opera, she left a memorable mark on the New York consciousness. She boasted a series of firsts: founding one of the nation's first Black ballet companies and serving as the first Black choreographer at the Met.

But she was endeared to many on account of her strong social conscience. She refused to perform in segregated theatres, dedicated much of her life to bringing art to underserved youth and adults in impoverished areas, and underwent a 47-day hunger strike to highlight the plight of Haitians on the island.

At a time when minstrel shows and blackface were prevalent and popular, she introduced African and Caribbean influences into the European-dominated world of dance. It is that courage – and pure talent – that this successful resolution is meant to celebrate.

"Katherine Dunham was an inspiring American whose grace, smarts, and grit reminds us that there are no limits on what we can accomplish," Rangel said. "Her story is not only a point of pride for African Americans, but for all Americans, because it serves as testament to the great opportunity this great country affords its people."


2354 Rayburn House
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(202) 225-4365

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