March 19, 2007

As Iraq War Enters its Fifth Year, Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Says Congress must Vote for a Change

(WASHINGTON, DC)Today, Congressman Gregory W. Meeks acknowledged the fourth anniversary of the start of the American invasion and occupation of Iraq.

After four years of failed attempts, this administration has been unable to win this war. Now, we are headed into the fifth year of this catastrophe. It is time for U.S policy makers and the Bush administration to examine what this war is costing the people of the United States: We have lost nearly 3,200 American troops and another 20,000 have been wounded. Over $400 billion American tax dollars have been appropriated to fight this war, creating a deficit so great that it will burden future generations.

The morale of the American people has reached a new low and, seeking change, the people of this great nation voted for a new direction in last Novembers elections. They made it clear that our country must turn away from the failed policies of the Bush Administration. This week, Congress, now under Democratic leadership, will start on a course for change.

The Iraq war is already longer than U.S. participation in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, or the Civil War. U.S. military forces are strained to the breaking point. Our ability to respond to new threats is compromised.

House Democrats will introduce legislation this week that will change the direction in Iraq. Our plan will impose accountability where there has been none and set a reasonable and responsible timeline for a phased redeployment of U.S. troops. President Bush has already threatened to veto any legislation that includes language that seeks to end the war. This from a president who has only vetoed one piece of legislation during his entire presidency. This veto threat is an admission that he intends to continue his escalation of American involvement and deepen the danger our troops face.

As a Member of Congress, it is my responsibility to represent the interests of people of this nation, our troops and their families. This legislation protects our fighting men and women, ensures that they are properly equipped and trained, provides for their care when they return, for their families while they are away and when they come back, and for the survivors of those troops who make the ultimate sacrifice. I will wholeheartedly vote for adoption of the Democrats plan for a new direction in Iraq.


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