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Item: The USCG recently announced that operation of the International Maritime Organization mandated Long Range Identification and Tracking System begins Dec. 31st. Read the press release...
Item: The USCG seeks comment on its proposed rulemaking that significantly changes existing AIS regulations (33 CFR 164.46) and expands carriage to most commercial vessels operating on U.S. navigable waters.
Item: LRIT Implementation/Conformance Testing - Operators of U.S. flagged vessels subject to the LRIT Regulation are encouraged to contact the USCG to discuss LRIT implementation and conformance test more...
Item: The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service has announced the introduction of a leap second to occur at the end of Dec 2008...Read the entire NANU...
Item: NOAA posts Ciguatera food poisoning the entire announcement.
Item: You may view previous news items here.