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For Immediate Release
October 15, 2008

Hinchey, Endicott Interconnect Officials Announce New
U.S. Dept. of Defense Accreditation for Company & New
Federal Funding That Will Stimulate Job Growth in Southern Tier


Congressman Worked To Obtain Accreditation, Passage of Defense Funding Bill


Endicott, NY - Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Endicott Interconnect Technologies President and CEO Jay McNamara today announced a new accreditation that EI has received from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that makes it eligible to deliver trusted foundry microelectronic goods and services to end users within the U.S. government.  The Congressman and Endicott Interconnect officials also discussed recently approved federal defense funding bill that will enable the company to secure new federal contracts and stimulate job growth in the Southern Tier.

Endicott Interconnect has received supplier accreditation for the Defense Department's Trusted Foundry Program. Hinchey worked with Endicott Interconnect and the Department of Defense to ensure the company would receive the new accreditation that will enable the company to develop American made microelectronic goods and services for the Defense Department and other U.S. government users. 

"I am very pleased that I was able to help facilitate Endicott Interconnect's accreditation as a member of the Trusted Foundry Program, which will enable the company to participate in a wide array of new microelectronic manufacturing initiatives for the federal government, which means the company will be able to steadily continue adding jobs in the Southern Tier region," Hinchey said. "Endicott Interconnect's acceptance into The Trusted Foundry Program designation further cements the Southern Tier as a defense industry leader and means that the men and women of our armed forces will have state of the art microelectronic devices that were developed right here in our own backyard."

The Trusted Foundry Program was established to develop and manufacture application specific integrated circuits for critical DoD microelectronic systems in a secure industrial environment. The program has been established because numerous U.S. based microelectronic companies have moved manufacturing offshore. The Trusted Foundry Program ensures that the Defense Department has access to U.S. manufactured microelectronic components for sensitive DoD projects.

"I want to thank Congressman Hinchey for being an important supporter for both EI and the Trusted Foundry Program. The Trusted Foundry Program will aid EI in our overall strategic mission to develop and manufacture the world's highest quality advanced microelectronic components," stated Jay McNamara, President and CEO of Endicott Interconnect Technologies.

Hinchey and McNamara also discussed what the recently approved defense bill means for Endicott Interconnect as it continues to hire upwards of 250 new employees.  Congress gave final approval on September 27 to the Fiscal Year 2009 Defense Appropriations bill.  The $487.7 billion package provides over $80 billion in research and development funding, over $101 billion in procurement related funding and over $152 billion in operations and maintenance related funding.  Hinchey said that he  will work to aggressively help secure federal contracts for Endicott Interconnect, using the funds included in the defense appropriations bill.

In early September the passage of the Fiscal Year 2009 DoD appropriations bill wasn't assured. If the bill failed to become public law, on-going contract awards and future contract awards would have faced funding delays. This scenario would have had a severe impact on national defense programs and Endicott Interconnect Technologies' (EI) defense related contracts.  Hinchey, who is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, worked closely with his colleagues on the committee to ensure passage of the bill.     

"Endicott Interconnect has demonstrated that it is an exceptional company and I am very excited about the work it has already achieved and the strong potential this company has for further growth," Hinchey said. "A strong Endicott Interconnect means a stronger U.S. military and a stronger Southern Tier economy, which is why I will to work very hard to help the company expand its work on behalf of the military and other parts of the federal government."

Jay McNamara CEO of EI said, "I want to thank Congressman Hinchey for his efforts to makes sure the FY09 DoD appropriations spending bill passed into law. Passage of the FY09 DoD appropriations spending bill assures on-going Endicott Interconnect Defense Department related contracts won't face funding delays. We will be able to continue with our strategic plan to hire upwards of 250 new employees."

Hinchey and McNamara also took a window tour of the company's Integrated Circuits Assembly Services production area. 


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