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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program assistance with heating and cooling costs

Uses of LIHEAP Funds

NO. LIHEAP-IM-2001-13, DATED 1/10/01


SUBJECT:       Uses of LIHEAP Funds

RELATED        Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act, Title XXVI
REFERENCES:    of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981,
               Public Law 97-35, as amended.

PURPOSE:       To offer suggestions and solicit ideas about
               uses of LIHEAP funds far in excess of the usual

BACKGROUND:    Congress increased the LIHEAP appropriation for
               fiscal year 2001 from $1.1 billion to $1.4
               billion.  Additionally, the President made two
               contingency fund releases of $1.56 million dollars
               on December 18, 2000 and $300 million on December
               30, 2000 because of increases in heating oil and
               natural gas costs.  An additional $400 million in
               contingency funds released September 22, 2000 also
               are available for use in FY 2001.

               Sharp energy price increases this year,
               exacerbated by unusually cold weather, are
               creating a serious hardship for low income
               households.  The Department of Energy (DOE) is
               projecting still higher winter prices that
               threaten catastrophic consequences.  For example,
               DOE projects that residential natural gas heating
               bills this winter will be on average 50% higher
               than last winter.  However, we are getting
               widespread reports of natural gas bills more than
               twice as high as the same month(s) last winter.
               Heating oil prices seem to have stabilized at
               almost $1.50 per gallon, which is 20% higher than
               last winter's average price, but bills are much
               higher than the price increase indicates because
               the winter has been colder.

CONTENT:       The infusion of more funds into the LIHEAP
               program than in recent years allows grantees to
               use greater flexibility in offering assistance to
               low income households, even though the demand for
               assistance is higher.  No special restrictions
               were imposed on the use of the funds.  The funds
               may be used for any purpose authorized under
               LIHEAP, including heating assistance, cooling
               assistance, crisis assistance,  weatherization,
               administration and planning costs, Assurance 16
               activities,  and carryover to FY 2002.

               Some of the ways grantees are responding to the
               increased needs of low and moderate income households
               for assistance are:

               o  Raising benefit amounts
               o  Providing additional crisis assistance
               o  Expanding definition of service population for crisis
               o  Reconnecting electrical or natural gas service
               o  Raising eligibility levels (increasing the maximum to as
                  much as 60% of state median income)
               o  Making supplemental payments
               o  Extending program duration (year-round, if needed)
               o  Carrying over 10% of funds awarded in FY 2001 into FY 2002
               o  Increasing weatherization activities (may request waiver to
                  use up to 25% of available LIHEAP funds)
               o  Establishing heating or cooling centers so that those
                  without heat or air conditioning may obtain relief from the
               o  Providing energy awareness training or other "Assurance 16"
                  activities to reduce need for energy assistance
               o  Providing furnace replacement or repair
               o  Purchasing air conditioners or repairing air conditioners
               o  Performing additional outreach activities
               o  Investing in the leveraging incentive program
               o  Asking subgrantees to stay open weekends and evenings to
                  take additional applications
               o  States agreeing to increased tribal allocations

               Grantees may be unaware that they have a lot
               of flexibility in providing services in crisis
               situations.  Generally, any activity that is
               necessary to resolve a crisis is allowable, such
               as providing temporary shelter until heat can be
               restored by the repair or replacement of a
               furnace.  Repair or replacement of a furnace
               during a crisis situation does not need to be
               counted against the 15% weatherization cap.

               Grantees also may be unaware of the Federal maximum
               allowable income eligibility level for their state.
               Section 2605(b)(2)(B) of the LIHEAP statute sets
               the income eligibility maximum as follows:

               (B) households with incomes which do not exceed the
               greater of --
               (i) an amount equal to 150 percent of the poverty
               level for such State; or
               (ii) an amount equal to 60 percent of the State median income....

               Sixty percent of the state median income is at least
               a little higher than 150% of the poverty level in
               every state and over 200% of the poverty level in
               about one-third of the states.  Attached is a chart
               showing the comparison of 60% of the FY 2001 state
               median income estimates with 150% of the 2000 HHS
               poverty guideline.  You may also refer to LIHEAP-IM-2000-10
               and LIHEAP-IM-2000-11, both dated March 15, 2000,
               for additional details concerning establishing
               eligibility levels.

               We welcome your input concerning additional uses
               of LIHEAP funds.  After you have implemented any
               additional activities to those indicated in your
               FY 2001 LIHEAP plan, please submit a plan
               amendment informing us of changes in your programs.
               You do not need approval from us.  The amendment
               can be in the form of a letter explaining program changes.

ATTACHMENTS:   1. Comparison of 60% of FY 2001 State Median Income
               Estimates with 150% of the 2000 HHS Poverty Guidelines
               2. List of current State income limits

INQUIRIES TO:  Janet M. Fox, Director
               Division of Energy Assistance
               Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS
               370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
               Washington, D.C.  20447
               Telephone:  (202) 401-9351
               Fax:  (202) 401-5661

                                    Janet M. Fox
                                    Division of Energy Assistance
                                    Office of Community Services