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» Hoyer on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Bill, October 02, 2003
...a deep concern to every American who believes that the federal government has no business injecting itself into the middle of the doctor-patient relationship...
» Hoyer on the Republican's Fiscal Irresponsibility, September 25, 2003
...the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee is operating in the context of the most fiscally irresponsible policy that any administration has followed in the history of this country...
» A Tribute to the Late Indiana Governor Frank O'Bannon, September 16, 2003
...the Hoosier State has sustained in the loss of this extraordinarily popular governor who presided over great change and progress in his state...
» Hoyer Comments on the 2nd Aniversary of 9/11, September 11, 2003
...remembering those whom we lost, from this nation and indeed from nations around the world...
» Republican Tax Proposal, June 18, 2003
Hoyer why the Republican tax proposal is a bad idea
» Hoyer Argues to Restore the House Ethics Rules,
we bear an individual duty as well as a collective obligation to abide by the highest ethical standards...
» Statement on the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act and the Lobbying Transparency Act,
...these measures call for a greater transparency and provide specific guidance to members and lobbyists on the propriety of certain actions...


Displaying Multimedia Clips 1 to 25 of 232
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-232

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