December 12, 2007


Bill Gives Troops a Pay Raise, Improves Military Readiness

Earlier this week I joined an overwhelming bipartisan majority and backed a plan to strengthen our military, support our troops and improve military readiness. The Defense Authorization Bill was approved by the House of Representatives and is expected to be approved by the Senate and signed into law.  I want to congratulate Chairman Skelton and Ranking Member Hunter for their tireless work getting this bill passed.

The American military is the greatest in the world, and I was proud to back legislation that will make our armed forces stronger and our nation more secure. This bill protects our troops and their families and helps ensure that our fighting men and women have all the resources they need and deserve.

The Defense Authorization bill authorizes new resources for additional Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs,) up-armored Humvees and body armor. The legislation also includes resources for efforts to stop Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) that have proven to be a threat to American troops in Iraq.

The legislation also includes critical support for troops and their families by providing a pay raise for troops that goes above the President’s request and blocking fee increases in the military health care program (TRICARE). Additionally, the bill includes the Wounded Warrior Act, which responds to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center scandal by improving the care of injured soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The men and women  of our armed forces risk their lives for our nation.  They deserve the best equipment on the ground and the best medical care when they come home.
The Defense Authorization bill takes steps to remedy the Army readiness crisis in America. Army readiness has dropped to unprecedented levels, and Army National Guard units have, on average, only 40 percent of their required equipment.  Furthermore, many stateside units are not fully equipped and would not be considered ready if called upon to respond during an emergency.

This legislation helps restore our nation’s military readiness by creating a Strategic Readiness Fund to address equipment shortfalls, fully funding the Army’s and Marine Corps’ equipment reset requirements, and authorizing new resources to provide the National Guard and Reserve critically needed equipment.

Below are my remarks from the House Floor:

Mr. Andrews.  I thank my friend for yielding, and I congratulate our Chairman Skelton on his great job in getting this bill done and our ranking member, Mr. Hunter.
 People criticize the Congress, I think justifiably, because they think we don’t get anything done and we can’t ever agree with each other.  Well, this bill shows that we can get things done and we can agree with each other.  There are many strongly held opinions about the war in Iraq, pro and con.  But I think there is unanimity.  We should show the people who wear the uniform of this country our appreciation by raising their pay.  And this bill does that 3.5 percent across the board.  I think there is unanimity that when we send our young men and women into harm’s way, they should have the best protection.  And this bill puts $17.6 billion, the highest ever, into up-armored vehicles and protective gear for the troops in the field.  I think there is unanimity that says that when someone is wounded in the service of this country, he or she should never be forgotten, ever, when they are in the VA health care system.  So there is unanimity here for the Wounded Warrior Act.
 This bill is will worth supporting because it shows the broad support in this Congress for the men and women who serve this country, and I urge a “yes” vote.


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