June 26,2007

Congressman Andrews Says President Wrong To Veto Stem Cell Research

I vow to continue fighting for potentially life-saving stem cell research despite President Bush's recent decision once again to veto an expansion of the research that would bring hope to the millions of Americans with life-threatening and debilitating diseases.
Last week the President vetoed critical legislation and turned his back on the millions suffering from Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, cancer and other diseases.  I was deeply saddened by the President's veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act and I will continue to fight to support such life-saving research.
The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act would have authorized federal funds to be used for research on embryonic stem cell lines derived from embryos at in vitro fertilization clinics that would otherwise have been discarded.
The legislation enjoyed bipartisan support in Congress and across the country.  More than 70 percent of Americans support embryonic stem cell research, including key Republicans such as Sen. John McCain, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and former First Lady Nancy Reagan.  Leading scientists, biomedical researchers, patient advocacy groups, and health organizations and many faith-based groups also backed the legislation.  However despite the support by so many, the President chose to veto this legislation.
After the President's veto, the President signed an executive order that will do little to advance essential research.  The symbolic order fails to direct new resources or support for potentially life-saving research.
The virtually meaningless executive order and veto are disappointing and our fight is far from over.  In weeks and months ahead, I will do everything I can to help bring hope and new cures to millions of Americans.

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