July 9, 2007



Recently I joined a majority in the House of Representatives to pass legislation to protect our environment and reduce global warming. The 2008 Interior-Environment Appropriations bill was approved and includes support for programs to clean up hazardous waste sites, ensure every American has clean water to drink, and protect our natural treasures.

Congress has a responsibility to protect our environment for future generations, and therefore I am proud to support legislation that will help rid our communities of environmental hazards, provide clean water and preserve and improve our national parks.
The 2008 Interior and the Environment Appropriations bill includes new resources and support for environmental and conservation programs including:

•  Funding for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which supports projects that improve drinking water quality in communities across America.
•  Sewer and Water Grants to support the construction and improvement of water systems in local communities.
•   New resources for the Superfund hazardous waste clean-up program.

The legislation also makes climate change research a key priority, boosting federal investment in climate change research at Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Interior Department by 53 percent. Additionally, the bill responds to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in April by compelling the Environmental Protection Agency to begin developing a process for regulating greenhouse gases. 

Climate change is a serious threat to our environment and our nation.  The important research supported in this legislation is essential to reducing global climate change and responding to this global challenge. This bill includes new resources to support the preservation and protection of America’s natural treasures. In addition to making the improvement of National Parks a top priority, the legislation increases funding for National Wildlife Refuges, rejects proposed cuts to the National Forest Service and supports wildfire preparedness and suppression programs.


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