July 27, 2007


Rep Andrews Supports Bill To Provide Access to Health Care for Two Million Uninsured Americans, Make College More Affordable

Last week I joined a bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives to support legislation that will invest in education, health care and vital scientific research. The Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations bill was approved by the House of Representatives last week.

For too long, Republicans in Congress have refused to invest in the American people’s priorities. Last week the New Direction Congress supported fiscally responsible legislation that will give more children the high quality-education they deserve, make it easier for more Americans to go to college and invest in health care and life-saving research.

The bill approved by Congress:

•        Makes college more affordable by increasing the maximum Pell Grant by $390, which is on top of an increase of $260 the Democratic-led Congress enacted in February.

•        Helps raise the achievement levels of America’s students by providing $2 billion over 2007 and $1 billion over the President’s request for No Child Left Behind programs.

•        Expands access to health care for the uninsured by investing in initiatives that will provide new access to health care for more than 2 million uninsured Americans.

•        Invests in life-saving medical research by providing a $750 million increase for the National Institutes of Health

While the legislation offers increased funding for key priorities, the legislation’s overall price tag after adjusting for inflation and population is $2.9 billion below similar legislation passed by the Republican Majority in Congress and signed into law by President Bush in 2004. 


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