November 26, 2007


Rep. Andrews Makes a Move to Cosponsor a Bill that will Preserve Vital U.S. Battlefields

In light of the recent Veteran’s Day holiday earlier this month, I am please to inform you that I have cosponsored the Civil War Battlefield Preservation Act of 2007, H.R. 2933.  This bill seeks to amend the American Battlefield Protection Act of 1996 to extend its authorization for that Act until 2013.

H.R. 2933 helps to proactively preserve and protect significant Civil War battlefields that provide the people of the United States an understanding of a tragic period in the history of this country.  Currently, almost 20 percent of the battlefields are lost or fragmented; 17 percent are in poor condition and 60 percent have been lost or will be lost as articulate historic sites.  This bill will create partnerships among State and local governments, the private sector and others to enhance these nationally vital Civil War fields.  Renewed interest and unprecedented visitation is expected on these battlegrounds as the upcoming sesquicentennial commemoration of the Civil War (2011-2015) approaches.

I feel it is always important to remember those that have sacrificed their lives for what they believed in and honor these brave souls. I am pleased to cosponsor such a bill that will help keep veterans and those who have perished in war in our minds and hearts.


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