September 5, 2006 

Andrews Opposes Bill Endangering First Responders

I recently voted against a bill that would specifically forbid federal first responders from taking steps they feel are necessary to protect law-abiding citizens in a time of crisis.  HR 5013, the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act, was introduced in response to reports that New Orleans law enforcement officials were confiscating guns in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  While I certainly support Second Amendment rights, it is essential that we allow law enforcement officials the ability to protect the safety of all Americans in a major disaster.

This bill’s supporters purport that the New Orleans police department went door to door confiscating firearms just after Hurricane Katrina, even though the Superintendent of the department denied these claims.  The bill can also allow guns in emergency rescue shelters.  In the midst of total chaos, the police department was busy restoring order and arresting law breakers.   Allowing guns in shelters and tying the hands of law enforcement to restore order in a crisis is totally counterproductive.

This bill seems to defy common sense, and yet it passed the House on July 25.  I will continue to support Second Amendment rights, but I will not support ill conceived bills that would make it harder for our country to recover from a major disaster.

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