September 26, 2006 

Rep. Andrews Speaks Out on Iran’s Nuclear Program

I recently spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies about the challenges and threat posed by Iran and its nuclear ambitions. This is one of the gravest threats to international security today.  We must work with the international community to take clear and decisive diplomatic action to deal with Iran’s continued defiance as it seeks nuclear weapons.  Should diplomacy fail, we must implement meaningful sanctions that would destabilize the Iranian regime.

To listen to an audio recording, or to read a transcript of the event please visit

The 9/11 Commission recognized that the number one threat to US security was the use of a nuclear weapon in the US.  Should Iran, one of the world’s foremost state-sponsors of terror, acquire a nuclear weapon, this fear would be one step closer to becoming a reality.  We must not let this happen.  That is why I have introduced legislation calling on the U.S. to work with other nations to impose a gasoline embargo on Iran, which would have a destabilizing effect on the Iranian regime and would ultimately force them to discontinue their nuclear program, if diplomacy does not succeed.

A nuclear Iran would further destabilize the Middle East and present the world with a danger never before realized.  As co-chair of the House Iran Working Group, I will continue to explore ways to deal with this very real threat to our collective security. 

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