September 11, 2006 

Congress Must Investigate Health Problems of 9/11 Responders

The legacy and the victims of 9/11 will never be forgotten, but it seems that the Majority in Congress has forgotten about the brave men and women who helped respond to the terrorist attack on our nation.  A recent report from researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York showed that 70% of the rescue and recovery workers who responded to the attacks at Ground Zero have developed new or worsened lung diseases and respiratory problems.  I, along with my colleagues on the Education and Workforce Committee, called for hearings into this issue back in September 2003, and have recently sent a letter to the Chairman of the committee reiterating this call.

The recent Mount Sinai report is the most comprehensive information to date regarding the health issues of Ground Zero workers.  It clearly showed that many thousands of law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMT’s, construction workers, utility workers, and public sector workers lacked adequate protection from massive concentrations of dangerous toxins at the site.  Given that 70% of the 10,000 Ground Zero workers that were examined in this study have rates of pulmonary illnesses twice as high as those found in the general population, immediate Congressional oversight is not only warranted, but is long overdue.

It is shameful that this Congress continues to neglect its oversight responsibilities.  We must respect the legacy of 9/11 and those who helped the city and nation recover from this attack.  These brave workers and their families deserve nothing less.

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