Auguest 1, 2007



Last week I joined a majority in the House of Representatives to support legislation that will make America safer by finally enacting the recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission. The Conference Report on H.R. 1, Implementing the Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, was passed by the House on July 27, 2007.

This was a long overdue bill implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. The President should sign this bill and join us in our efforts to:

- Provide for first responders

-Make air travel safer

-Improve screening cargo headed for U.S. ports

-Protect America from weapons of mass destruction

-Help end terrorism

In July 2004, the bipartisan 9/11 Commission submitted its recommendations to Congress on how to better protect America from terrorism.  Unfortunately, for the last two and a half years, congress failed to enact most of these recommendations into law. However, Democrats have made enacting these recommendations a priority.

This conference report has strong provisions to better protect America from terrorism – ranging from ensuring that first responders have the equipment they need to strengthening efforts to prevent WMDs from falling into terrorist hands. The measure will require 100% scanning of U.S.-bound seaborne containers before they leave foreign ports within five years, and also requires 100% screening of cargo on passenger aircraft within three years.

The measure comes on the heels of the new National Intelligence Estimate, which states that Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda network has been able to restore key capabilities for launching another attack on U.S. soil.

This legislation helps move America toward being a stronger, safer nation. Last week, Democrats sent the President one of the most critical bills of the 110th Congress, and the President should act quickly to sign the bill into law.


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