August 28, 2006 


Iran’s continued defiant pursuit of nuclear weapons demands a strong and clear response from the international community.  After months of delay, their offer to simply continue negotiations with the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany is inadequate.   Recently, Iran ignored its obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty by refusing to admit nuclear inspectors to its underground nuclear laboratory at Natanz. The Iranian regime’s continued deception and aggressive pursuit of nuclear capabilities undermines any claims it might make about desiring negotiations. 
While I believe that the complete proposal from Iran must be studied in detail, the international community must press ahead with discussions on how to respond to Iran’s intransigence.  We must consider all options, particularly the possibility of gasoline sanctions, which Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and I proposed in legislation introduced earlier this year.  Iran must do more than “consider” ending its nuclear programs if it wishes to avoid the sanctions threatened by the Security Council.
Iran’s refusal to stop enrichment before the internationally set deadline of August 31st suggests that they are testing the resolve of the international community.  We cannot allow them to succeed in creating division. Instead, we must make clear the world is united in strong action against Iran if it continues its nuclear pursuits.

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