June 9, 2006


Recently, I joined the families of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing victims to demand that Libya honor its commitments to them before the United States recognize Libyan diplomats to our country.

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was downed by a terrorist’s bomb over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all passengers and crew aboard.  The Libyan government later admitted responsibility for this atrocity and committed to paying a settlement to each victim’s family in compensation.  While part of the package has been paid, $536 million in the settlement remains outstanding.  Under the agreement reached with the families, this money was to be paid upon Libya’s removal from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terror.  Now that it has been removed from this list, the United States must stand on principle, protect our families who were victims of the Pan Am bombing, and ensure that Libya fully meets its obligations to these families.

I have long worked with the families of the victims to make sure that they received just compensation from the Libyan government for the murder of their loved-ones. That is why I joined the families to call on the Bush Administration to demand that Libya provide just compensation to these families. Before Libya benefits from their removal from the terrorist-sponsor list, the President must demand that the Libyan government fulfill its promises to the victims.  I have introduced H Res. 838, which expresses the sense of Congress that the Bush Administration should not accept the credentials of Libyan officials until the issues with the Lockerbie bombing are resolved. 

I commend the President for his role in convincing Libya to renounce terrorism and abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs.  However, he must do everything he can to ensure that they make amends for their past atrocities, and honor their obligations.  The victims of Pan Am Flight 103 deserve nothing less. 

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