June 5, 2007


Minimum Wage Workers Get Long Overdue Raise

The President recently signed legislation that included a $2.10 wage increase for America’s lowest paid workers.  This is the first increase to the minimum wage in 10 years, and I was pleased to support the efforts of Speaker Pelosi and Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller to pass this much needed legislation.  The increase will raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour over 2 years for those who really need it.  I will continue to fight for economic fairness so that we can grow and strengthen our economy while protecting our most vulnerable citizens.

I’ve included my floor remarks from a previous debate on the minimum wage below.

MR ANDREWS: Mr. Speaker, nearly 10 years ago, I sat on this floor and listened to speeches like the one my friend from Texas just gave, and we voted to raise the minimum wage. And what happened?  Unemployment went down. The economy grew. And America prospered. It will happen again if we pass this increase in the minimum wage. There have been many days since that day nearly 10 years ago. One of those days when the prescription drug bill was on the floor, the industry came, and it wanted special protection from lawsuits and special pricing. It was their day, and they got it.

When the energy bill was on the floor, the energy companies came in and wanted massive subsidies, and no crackdown on pricing. It was their day, and they got it. When the tax bill was on the floor, the wealthiest people in the country, people making more than $300,000 a year wanted massive tax breaks. It was their day, and they got it.

I am sorry to disappoint the opponents of the minimum wage, but this is not your day. This is the day for the people who empty the bed pans, change the bed linens, sweep the floors, and do the hardest work of America. After a 10-year wait, even though they don't have the lobbyists here, even though they don't have the political action committees here, this is their day.

This is the day we are going to raise the minimum wage, change the direction of the country, and restore economic fairness for the American economy. Join with Republicans and Democrats and independents across this country. Vote ``yes'' on the increase in the minimum wage.


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