June 4, 2007


Section 8 Amendment Protects Low-Income Tenants

The House Financial Services Committee recently passed an extremely important bill that protects and improves the living situations of low-income residents receiving Section 8 housing assistance.  I worked closely with Housing Subcommittee Chairwoman Maxine Waters to include an amendment that mirrored legislation I introduced last year called the Landlord Accountability Act.  It addresses the issue of landlords failing to make much needed repairs in a timely manner for Section 8 residents.

Many Section 8 recipients face significant hardships today in dealing with their landlords. At times, landlords will ignore their tenants who complain about repairs needed to be fixed in a timely manner.  Noncompliant landlords often back tenants into a difficult corner – remain in unfit living conditions, endure the unnecessary burdens of trying to find another place to live, or take their landlords to court.

The main purpose of this amendment is to address the issue of landlords failing to make much needed repairs in a timely manner and will ensure that we are truly helping the people Section 8 housing assistance is intended to serve.  The Section 8 Voucher Reform Act now has to be considered on the House floor.  I will continue to work with Subcommittee Chairwoman Waters to ensure the amendment remains in the final bill.


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