June 13, 2006 


The elimination of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is an important achievement for American troops and Iraqi security forces. This is welcome news, and is an important step in the right direction in the War on Terror. I am proud of the accomplishment, and of the coordination of American and Iraqi forces that led to this operation.

We should not, however, believe that the elimination of al-Zarqawi will stabilize Iraq. More than 80 percent of the violence in that country stems from former regime elements who want a return of the old government or no government at all.  An additional significant factor is militia violence based on religious and tribal differences. Al-Zarqawi was not the leader of either of these movements. 

Al-Zarqawi’s death is welcome news, but our work in Iraq is not done.  The way to defeat the resistance in Iraq is to significantly improve our intelligence operations.  This will reduce the violence currently gripping Iraq, improving the government’s ability to function, bettering the lives of ordinary Iraqis, and bringing more stability to the country.  As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I will continue to do everything I can to ensure that our troops have all the tools they need to get this job done, enabling Iraqis to restore stability in their country.

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