May 9, 2007

House Passes Long-Overdue Bill to Improve Head Start

The last two Congresses failed to pass any proposal to update Head Start, a highly successful child development and early education program for low-income children and families.  Last week, the new Majority in the House passed a much-needed bill that expands Head Start and adds much needed resources to improve the program.  The bill authorizes $450 million in new funding so that up to 10,000 more children can arrive at kindergarten ready to succeed.  It also improves classroom and teacher quality while implementing strong accountability measures to ensure that funds are being used efficiently.

The Improving Head Start Act of 2007 relies on non-partisan research that concludes that Head Start works.  Research shows that Head Start narrows the achievement gap in reading and writing and makes students less likely to need special education services, repeat a grade or commit crimes in adolescence.  Children who attend Head Start are also more likely to graduate from high school. 

Head Start is a vital program that levels the playing field for children who need it most.  It improves the quality of life for low-income children and families and promises them a brighter future.  I was pleased to vote in favor of this much needed bill, and will continue my work to improve our nation’s educational resources for those who need it most.  

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