May 30, 2006 


Thanks to our victory in the U.S. House of Representative, the Army’s plan to dump VX nerve agent byproduct into the Delaware River will be delayed at least into next year.  The Army’s plan has been stopped because of a provision included by myself, Rep. Saxton, and Rep. LoBiondo in the Pentagon’s FY07 budget bill, which recently passed the House.  This is a major victory for the health and well-being of the people of South Jersey.

The provision requires the General Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study on the viability of the Army’s proposal, due by the end of the year.  The Army may not go forward with the VX plan until 60 days after the report is issued.  I expect the GAO report to provide an impartial, thorough analysis of the proposal, as opposed to the Army’s recent cost-benefit analysis.

Last month, the Army issued a cost-benefit analysis of the VX proposal that was based on faulty and incomplete data.  It was not a satisfactory review of what could be a lurking disaster for New Jersey’s residents and environment.  I expect the GAO to provide a much more responsible report at the end of the year.

I will continue to fight the Army’s VX plan because it is dangerous and unnecessary.  This victory will ensure our collective safety for the rest of the year.  Please know that I will continue to seek every opportunity to end this plan for good. 

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