May 21, 2007


House Passes Bill to Improve Access to Quality Student Loans

I recently voted in favor of the Student Loan Sunshine Act when it came to a vote in the House.  I cosponsored this bill because it helps to ensure that parents and students have access to information about all of the student loan options available to them when making decisions about how to pay for higher education. The student loan industry has been under intense scrutiny recently and it critical that Congress take steps to ensure there is transparency in the student loan industry. 

One key provision of this bill requires that the Department of Education Web site have a new “one-stop” link where students can get information on all of the federal student aid options.  This will enable students to have access to information about all lenders, rather than just those included on a preferred lender list as is now often the case.  The bill also requires higher education institutions to disclose to all relationships they may with lenders and protects students from aggressive marketing practices.

Access to affordable and quality higher education is critical to our nation’s continued success.  The Student Loan Sunshine Act is an important step toward restoring trust in the student loan industry by providing financial information to the students and parents who need it most. As a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, I will continue to make this one of my top priorities.


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