May 16, 2007


House Passes Iraq Bill to Require Accountability and Bring Troops Home

Last week the House passed an emergency funding bill that ensures that our troops in harm’s way have the resources they need, but also requires the President to report to Congress on the progress in Iraq.  The President has threatened to veto this bill once it comes to his desk, again showing his refusal to be accountable to the American people.  The civil war raging in Iraq will only be quelled through a political solution, and it is time to begin redeploying our troops from Iraq.  That is why I voted in favor of this funding bill that presents a responsible plan to end the war and requires the President to be accountable to the American people.

This bill only provides funding until July 13, at which time the President must report to Congress on the progress made by the Iraqi government on specific political and security benchmarks.  The Congress will then pass supplementary legislation to release additional funding based on the progress made.  More than 3,370 Americans have lost their lives in Iraq, and it is far past due to demand accountability.  That is precisely what this bill will do.

The House has stood up to President Bush despite his threat to veto this legislation.  We will not rest until we change this failed policy and bring our troops home.


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