April 7, 2006 


Recent lobbying scandals have reaffirmed our need to stem money’s ever-growing influence in our nation’s capital.  I have introduced H.R. 2753 and H.R. 3623 to limit the impact of money in our electoral process and to tighten lobbying restrictions.  It is imperative that Congress take bold steps to uphold the integrity of our institution.

The Public Campaign Financing Act, H.R. 2753, seeks to even the playing field so that Congressional elections are not won based on which candidate has more money.  Eligible candidates would obtain set public funding from the Federal Elections Commission to use in their campaigns and would have private fundraising significantly restricted.  In addition, each candidate would be required to participate in televised debates so their ideas and beliefs are clearly communicated to the voters.

H.R. 3623 addresses the “revolving door” phenomenon where Members of Congress and other government officials go on to work for the same special interest firms and groups who sought favors from them while they were in office.  I believe it is crucial to tighten current lobbying restrictions to prevent individuals from abusing the system.  My legislation ensures that Members of Congress cannot engage in certain lobbying activities until five years after leaving office.
The American people deserve ethical leaders who uphold their interests and not those of contributors and lobbyists.  I will push H.R. 2753 and H.R. 3623 in Congress and support any other legislation which brings further accountability to our elected leaders.

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