April 4, 2006 


On March 20, 2006 I joined with U.S. Senator Robert Menendez to write to Secretary Norman Mineta of the U.S. Department of Transportation requesting that a study be conducted to determine whether local communities along the proposed transport route have the capability to contain, control, and neutralize the chemicals in the event of an accident.  If this study determines that adequate safeguards are not available to protect residents and their drinking water, we have requested that the U.S. Department of Transportation keep this chemical off America's roads.
Since 2004 the U.S. Army has been seeking to dispose of 4 million gallons of the byproduct of one of the deadliest chemical weapons known to man, VX nerve agent, in our river.  An amount of VX the size of a pinhead can kill on contact. That is why I am determined to prevent any of this material or byproducts derived from it, from entering our state.

I am deeply troubled by the pattern of mistakes associated with this project since its inception.  In June 2005, less than one month after treatment began, 30 gallons of still dangerous VX byproduct were spilled at the treatment facility in Indiana. Subsequently, there have been three other major spills there totaling at least 790 gallons of caustic waste. The latest accident occurred just last week on March 15, 2006.  Furthermore, the Army's own studies have shown that VX residue has remained even after the neutralization process, and that the caustic chemical produced from VX treatment, hydrolysate, could combust at temperatures as low as sixty-eight degrees.   

These discoveries were all made after the treatment process began which leads us to question what other mistakes or disastrous discoveries may occur in the future.  If the Army cannot safely treat the VX on an Army base in Indiana, it should not be allowed to travel 750 miles to Deepwater, NJ for further treatment and dispersal into the Delaware. 

To watch a television report detailing my concerns please click one of the links below:

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NOTE: You will need Real Player to watch these videos. 

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