January 8, 2007

New House Rules Make Much-Needed Changes

Last week the new majority in Congress implemented new rules to govern the House of Representatives that will do much to raise the tone of debate and bring integrity and civility back to Washington, DC.  These rules break the link between lobbyists and lawmakers, provide the minority with a real voice and help restore fiscal responsibility by restricting earmarks and reinstituting pay-as-you-go rules.  I strongly supported these changes and am proud that my first votes in the 110th Congress were to enact these rules.

Throughout my Congressional career, fiscal responsibility has been one of my top priorities.  The new pay-as-you-go rules require Congress to pay for new or increased spending by reducing spending in other programs or finding new revenue sources.  Reigning in earmarks is another important step toward reducing our out-of-control federal deficit.

As always, I will work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to meet our nation’s significant challenges.  This rules package is an excellent start to a new Congress that will embrace responsible lawmaking, bipartisanship, and fiscal responsibility as its core values. 

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