January 3, 2007

2007 Brings Challenges and Opportunities

Our great nation will face significant challenges, but also significant opportunities this year.  I am hopeful that we can build on our successes from 2006, and move our country forward in 2007.  Our most important priority is to bring our troops home from Iraq safely.  We must also reduce our enormous budget deficit, and address the ongoing healthcare crisis in this country.  I am also committed to fighting for several ongoing efforts in South Jersey.  These include preventing the dredging of the Delaware River, stopping the Army from dumping VX nerve agent byproduct in the Delaware River, and expanding the Port of Paulsboro to bring more jobs and businesses to our region.  As a member of the new majority in Congress, I will continue to fight for the issues that will move South Jersey and our nation forward.

I have repeatedly called on the Bush Administration to turn over security of a select region in Iraq to 75,000 trained Iraqi troops.  We must determine whether the loyalties of Iraqi troops are to the Iraqi government, or to a particular sect, tribe, or ethnic group.  If the Iraqis are unwilling to fight for their country, then we should not do it for them.  This is our last best hope for stabilizing Iraq and ensuring that it does not become a failed state or a haven for terrorists.

At home, Congress must reduce the budget deficit by rolling back the tax cuts for the top 1% of wage earners.  This will provide us $1.3 trillion over 10 years to reduce the deficit, and pay for critical education and healthcare programs.  Congress should re-institute the pay-as-you-go rule that requires Congress to pay for new or increased spending by reducing spending in other programs, or finding new revenue sources.

Whether abroad or at home, this new year will present significant challenges.  I am confident, however, that an honest government and an empowered citizenry can rise to meet these challenges.  We can, and must, move our country in a positive direction, and I will continue to work diligently toward this goal.

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