December 6, 2006

Rep. Andrews Unveils Plan for Iraq: It is Time for Iraqis to Secure Their Country

It is clear from the violence and chaos in Iraq that the U.S. policy there has failed.  While it is very easy to criticize who is responsible for these failures, this will not help our sons and daughters heroically serving on the front lines.  As your Representative in Washington, it is my responsibility to suggest a change, and to implement this new policy.  On November 28, I addressed the New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Group community about my plan. In my speech, I proposed that we need to determine the reliability of Iraqi forces by having them begin to take over responsibility for securing their country from U.S. forces.  I have included a link to the full text of this speech here.

It is clear that the current violence in Iraq is due to the centuries old struggle between the Shiite and Sunni sects.  The crisis is a political one: the central government in Iraq does not command the loyalty of its own people.  The Bush Administration’s policy thus far has been to replace American troops with Iraqi troops as they become ready.  The Pentagon has informed me that the Iraq central government has an excess of 300,000 trained troops readily available.  So why hasn’t the violence subsided?  I believe the reason is that these troops are loyal to their sect, rather than the central government.  It is time to find out where their loyalties truly lie.

I propose that we identify a region in Iraq that can be secured by 75,000 troops, and replace the existing U.S. troops with 75,000 of the best trained, most loyal Iraqi troops. We should evaluate the situation on the ground to determine whether the Iraqi force is able to quell the violence.  If they are successful, we should continue to assist them in building a national unity government.  If, as I suspect, this trial is unsuccessful and violence continues or escalates, it is time to work with the international community to find ways to end the civil war that is now raging.  We should work together with the Arab League, the UN, and NATO to create a settlement to the crisis.

One of the bright spots in our long mission in Iraq has been the valiant service of our men and women in the Armed Services.  They have made us all proud.  It is time that we honor them with a policy in Iraq is as good as they are.  Iraq will only stand as a competent and willing ally in the fight against terrorism if its government enjoys the support of its people, and if its people are willing to fight those who would disrupt or destroy that government.  The time for Americans to lead the fight for that government is over.  The time for a change in policy is now.

Read the full text of the speech here. 

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