October 23, 2006

Pentagon Must Ensure Dumped Munitions Do Not Pose Health Threat

In an important step to correcting past mistakes, next year’s Pentagon budget includes a provision I authored requiring the Defense Department to inspect all munitions, including chemical weapons, it dumped into the oceans to determine whether they pose any threat to human health or the environment. From World War I until the 1970’s, the military disposed of chemical and conventional munitions at sea, including such lethal agents as mustard, sarin, and VX gas. Until now, these dumps have not been monitored by the Defense Department and could pose a health threat to anyone who works on the water or visits or lives in nearby coastal areas. The munitions also pose a serious environmental threat to oceans and marine life.

The military will now be required to identify all of these ocean sites and test the munitions to see if they are leaking or pose a risk to public health or the environment. The findings must be reported to Congress, and the munitions dumps must be identified on nautical charts so that ships are aware of possible danger. I am pleased that our Armed Services will comply with this law, and are taking critical steps necessary to make our oceans safer.

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