January 7, 2009
Contact: Rebecca Loving or
Whitney Frost (202)225-2876
Skelton Urges House to Include Priorities for Rural America in Economic Recovery Bill

          WASHINGTON, D.C.In a letter sent this morning to the Speaker of the House, Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO), a former chairman of the Congressional Rural Caucus and member of the Democratic Rural Working Group, urged the House to include necessary funds for rural economic stimulus in economic recovery legislation that will likely be considered in the House in the next few weeks.  Skelton is hopeful that funds will be directed toward meaningful rural priorities that will create jobs and stimulate economic activity in rural America.  Skelton's letter is set forth below:


January 7, 2009

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House
The Capitol
Washington, D.C.  20515

Dear Madam Speaker,

          As the House of Representatives prepares to draft an urgent economic recovery bill designed to create jobs, boost our economy, and turn our nation toward greener energy solutions, let me urge you to carefully consider the unique needs of rural America.

          As someone who has been privileged to represent small town Missouri in the Congress, I have come to appreciate how the rural economy helps to drive our national economic engine.  That is why I am particularly hopeful that the Congress will look specifically at rural stimulus initiatives when drafting economic recovery legislation.

          In addition to widely discussed highway and infrastructure improvements that will undoubtedly benefit rural parts of the country, I urge the Congress to consider adding additional money for a variety of rural development programs that already exist.

          Directing funds for rural development grants and loans, for renewable energy initiatives, for rural water and sewer improvement, for agricultural research & development, for rural school construction, and for projects administered by the Corps of Engineers will create jobs throughout rural America and help to ensure a better way of life for rural citizens now and into the future.

          Further, I urge Congress to embrace a national commitment to expanding Internet broadband access to rural parts of the United States.  Doing so will help bring remote areas of the country into the 21st Century, entice business expansion into rural areas, and help stimulate economic activity. 

          I appreciate your leadership and your taking a moment to review my thoughts.  As this process moves forward, I look forward to working in a bipartisan way to take quick action on legislation to help create jobs and stimulate our economy.  With warmest regards, I remain

     Very truly yours,


     Member of Congress

cc: Chairman David Obey

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Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO) serves as Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee . For further information, please contact Rebecca Loving or Whitney Frost at 202-225-2876, or check Congressman Skelton’s website at

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