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Make a Gift

The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore operates twenty-four hours a day, every day to care for its animals. Our operating budget is critical for the care and maintenance of our wonderful animal collection. Admission and fees only cover 40% of this cost--the balance is provided by the generous support of individuals, foundations, corporations, and public funding.

People just like you make a difference every day, with donations large and small. Your gift to the Zoo will support animal care, education programs, and conservation efforts here in Baltimore, throughout the State and around the world.

There are a number of ways to make a gift to The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.

You may make a gift right now, using a credit card and giving form.


To make a credit card contribution by phone, please call: 443-552-5293.

We will need to know:

  • Your Name
  • Address
  • Home Phone Number
  • Amount of Gift
  • Credit Card Information
            Type of Card Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
  • Card Number
  • Expiration Date (Month/Year)
  • Name on Card
  • Recognition Preference

To mail us a gift, please complete our Donation Form and mail it along with your credit card information or check to:

Development Office
Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
1876 Mansion House Drive
Druid Hill Park
Baltimore, Maryland 21217

Please make your check payable to The Maryland Zoo.

     The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore is accredited by The Association of Zoos and Aquariums             .

Maryland Zoo in Baltimore • Druid Hill Park • Baltimore • Maryland • 21217• Phone: 410-396-7102 • Site Map