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The Library of Congress does not have legal authority to perform preservation treatments on materials owned by other institutions or individuals. The Preservation Directorate however, maintains a strong outreach program and provides information to other government agencies, libraries and the general public.

Any preservation procedures described within our publications or website have been used by the Library of Congress and are considered suitable by the Library as described; however, the Library will not be responsible for damage to privately-held collections should damage result from the use of these procedures.

To find a conservator to treat damaged books and other valuable materials, consult the Guidelines for Selecting a Conservator of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC).

Professional book appraisers and most book sellers will appraise and evaluate book materials. The Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America (ABAA) maintains an online membership directory with addresses, phone numbers and area specialties such as early printed books or art and music.

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The Library of Congress
April 2, 2008