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Press Release

For Immediate Release
August 3, 2008
Contact: Sean C. Bonyun
(202) 225-3761

Upton Backs Calls for Congress to Reconvene & Tackle Unfinished Business to Lower Energy Prices 
Upton echoes GOP leaders in urging emergency session

Adjournment Resolution passed by only 1 vote last week –
without emergency session, the House will not reconvene until September 8th

ST. JOSEPH, MI – Congressman Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph), top Republican on the Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee, is urging an emergency session of Congress to debate pending legislation to lower energy prices for Michigan’s working families.  Last week, the Adjournment Resolution passed 213 to 212 (every Republican and 17 Democrats opposed the resolution) and on Friday, the U.S. House adjourned until September 8th, despite failing to consider legislation to provide working American’s relief at the pump.  Upton strongly supports the convening of an emergency session of Congress to debate the comprehensive American Energy Act, H.R. 6566, an “all of the above” approach to lower gas prices for working Americans and chart the nation on a course toward energy independence.

“We have the will of the American people on our side - all we are asking is for the Speaker to allow a simple up or down vote on the ‘all of the above’ American Energy Act,” said Upton.  “We saw oil plummet on Wall Street when the President repealed the executive ban on offshore drilling, and if Congress lifts the last remaining roadblock to unlocking our coastal resources, the speculation bubble would be burst and prices at the pump would literally come down overnight.  Congress owes it to America’s working families to put partisan politics aside and return to Washington – let’s get back to business and get the job done.”

Upton believes in an “all of the above” approach in meeting the energy needs of future generations.  In addition to domestic exploration, Upton believes that we should also make a long-term commitment to renewable energy sources like wind and solar, clean coal technologies, emissions-free nuclear power and increased conservation.

On August 1st, the House Republican leadership urged Speaker Nancy Pelosi to call an emergency session of the House to schedule a vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566) to lower gasoline prices. 

“It is well past time for Congress to lift the ban on environmentally-safe exploration for oil and gas on the Outer Continental Shelf and act on other critical reforms to increase production of American energy and lower the price of gasoline,” says the GOP leadership letter to Pelosi.  “We should not wait until September to do so, and frankly, we should not wait another day to do so.  Congress should not take the next five weeks off while the American people suffer at the pump.  We respectfully request that you schedule a vote on the comprehensive American Energy Act during an emergency legislative session this month.”



Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District