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Record of Fiscal Responsibility

Since coming to Congress in 1987, Fred Upton has been committed to the dual goals of maintaining a fiscally responsible federal government and fully funding our national priorities like education and health research

  • Voted for Every Tax Cut Before the House

    Known as one of Congress’ premier fiscal conservatives since being elected, Upton has voted for every single attempt to return hard-earned tax dollars to working Americans. In the 107 th Congress, Upton authored a key provision of the economic stimulus package -- essentially providing a tax cut for every business in America .

  • Expanding the Child Tax Credit

    Upton co-authored legislation to expand the child tax credit for millions of low-and middle-income working families; a measure benefiting approximately 350,000 working families in Michigan. Upton’s legislation a ccelerates the refundable part of the new $1,000 child tax credit provision from 10 to 15 percent, so those in the $10,500 to $26,625 income bracket who were omitted from the new tax law would receive the child tax credit adopted for those in other brackets.

    Upton has worked to ensure Michigan received $705.5 million in relief - $337.96 million in direct cash assistance and $367.55 million to help cover Medicaid costs. Half of those funds headed directly to Michigan .
Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District