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Working to Protect Our Homeland and National Security

  • Obtained a Weapons of Mass Destruction/Civil Support Team in Michigan

    Upton fought to successfully obtain a Weapons of Mass Destruction/Civil Support Team in Michigan and in every state in the Union . Following September 11, Upton met with local emergency first-responders, hospitals and law enforcement personnel to assess Southwest Michigan ’s readiness for disaster. This team is currently headquerted in Battle Creek ; before Upton ’s efforts, the nearest team was located in Peoria , IL .

  • Supporting Our Troops in Iraq

    Upton supported the $87 billion supplemental appropriation for our work in Iraq, which passed the House by an overwhelming bi-partisan vote of 298-121. Seventy-five percent of the dollars were for our troops and the remaining were to help with reconstruction. Upton also voted to make fifty percent of those dollars a loan, not a grant.

    Upton has made two trips to Iraq to check on our progress and spend time with our troops. During these two trips, Upton was pleased to report that our soldiers are getting the job done. The morale of the troops is good, from private to corporal, sergeant to general. He also had the great pleasure of meeting with many soldiers from Michigan . During his second trip he also examined fraud and abuse surrounding the United Nations Oil for Food Program. Billions of dollars is alleged to have been siphoned from the Iraqi people through the Oil for Food Program and Upton has been a continued steward in getting to the bottom of this international scandal.
Congressman Fred Upton Michigan Sixth District