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The Library is located within the campus of the Fort Berthold Community College on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in New Town, North Dakota. As a dual status (Public/Academic) Library we serve the people of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and the students and faculty of the Fort Berthold Community College.





Print Current & Full-Text Articles From Searchable Databases!  Or access electronic versions of books!

EBSCOhost Research Databases  provides 6 different indexes.  Choose from Academic Search premier, Business Source premier, with Enhanced searching Interface, Regional Business News, MasterFile Premier, EBSCO MegaFile and Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts.  Search all or 1 at at time.           

Gale Group Provides 10 different indexes to choose from.  Starting with the Health and Wellness Resource Center with links to other health sites the Gale Group also includes Discovering Collection, Junior Reference Collection, Kids Infobits, the professional Collection, Contemporary Authors, Junior & Kids Edition K12 and the Opposing View Points Resource Center.

Electric Library Elementary is specifically for young readers. With more than 90 magazines, newspapers, books and transcripts, plus thousands of maps and pictures.

Electric Library     offers a broad range of full-text articles and multimedia content with more than 600 full-text magazines, newspapers, books, and transcripts, plus thousands of maps and pictures.

Ethnic NewsWatch newspaper database, an alternative to the mainstream presses, does include some Native American newspapers. Select one or both to search.

ProQuest newspaper database provides full text articles and citations to nationally recognized newspapers, including, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal,  Washington Post, & Minneapolis Star Tribune. 

 NetLibrary E-Books  Electronic versions of complete books can be viewed and borrowed online from computers with Internet access.  More than 8,000 titles on humanities literature, social science, computer science, general science and agriculture.

OCLC WorldCat (FirstSearch)  for worldwide access to books and other materials, not articles. Created and maintained collectively by more than 9,000 member institutions.

Ancestry Library
Covers the U.S. and the U.K. and includes census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada and other areas. This collection contains more than 4,000 databases and 1.5 billion names. This resource is only available from within a North Dakota library. Does include some Indian Census Rolls 






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