Active Legislation

109th Congress (2005-2006)
Final Issue


AppropriationsAgency AuthorizationsPublic Laws, 109th Congress (selected)
Popular reportsProgram Authorizations 

Active Legislation Listed by Subject or Popular Title in Alphabetical Order
# — Active Legislation
527 political groups (527 Fairness Act of 2005)  H.R.1316
527 political groups (527 Reform Act of 2005) S.271, S.1053 H.R.513
A — Active Legislation
Abortion, prohibit taking minors across state lines to circumvent parental notification (Child Custody Protection Act) S.403* H.R.748
Abortion, require informing women who seek one about pain to unborn child S.51 H.R.6099
Agriculture disaster relief S.A.5205 to H.R.5384 
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, bar oil and gas leasing in S.A.2358 to S.1932 
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, designate a portion as wilderness S.261 H.R.567
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, open to oil and gas exploration  H.R.5429
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, prohibit exporting oil and gas produced S.A.2362 to S.1932 
Asbestos claims S.852, S.3274 H.R.1360, H.R.1957
B — Active Legislation
 Bankruptcy reform S.256P.L.109-8
     Schumer amendment to prevent anti-abortion protesters from using bankruptcy to avoid fines or judgments
S.A.47 to S.256 
Border security (SEE ALSO: Immigration reform, Fence bill) S.2454* H.R.4437, H.R.6091
BRAC, disapprove recommendations  H.J.Res.65
Budget, overhaul process S.3521 
C — Active Legislation
 CAFTA, implement (Central American Free Trade Agreement) H.R.3045P.L.109-53
Cheeseburger billSEE: Obesity
Chimeras, ban creation of human chimeras S.659 
 Class action lawsuits, assure fairness S.5P.L.109-2
Clear Skies Act (emissions control for power plants) S.131 
Cloning, prohibit human cloning S.658, S.876, S.1520 H.R.1357, H.R.1822, H.R.3932
Coal mine safetySEE: Mine safety
Congressional pay raise, none for FY2006 S.A.2062 to H.R.3058 H.R.4134
Constitutional amendmentsSEE: Flag, Marriage
 Continuity of Congress (special elections/appointments in national emergencies) (119 Stat. 588-590) H.R.2985P.L.109-55
D — Active Legislation
 Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006 H.R.3127P.L.109-344
 Daylight saving time, extend (119 Stat. 615) H.R.6P.L.109-58
 Death gratuity for military, increase permanently (119 Stat. 3316-3317) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
Death taxSEE: Estate tax
 Detainees, ban cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of (119 Stat. 3475) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
Detainees, establish national commission on policies and practices S.A.2430 to S.1042 
 Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, limit habeas corpus lawsuits (119 Stat. 3477-3479) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
 Digital television (Digital Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005) (Title III) S.1932P.L.109-171
Drug testing standards for professional athletes S.1114, S.1960 H.R.1862, H.R.2516, H.R.2565, H.R.3084, H.R.3942
Dubai Ports World, require investigation (SEE ALSO: Port security) S.2333 H.R.4807
E — Active Legislation
Earmarks, reform process (SEE ALSO: Lobbying reform) S.Res.365, S.1495, S.2179, S.2261, S.2265 H.Res.1000*
Electronic surveillance, establish procedures for review of programs S.3931*, S.4051 H.R.5825*
 Eminent domain, restrict use of (Section 726) H.R.3058P.L.109-115
 Energy bill H.R.6P.L.109-58
Estate tax, permanently lower S.3626 H.R.5970*
Estate tax, permanently repeal S.420, S.988 H.R.8
F — Active Legislation
Farm subsidies, limit federal farm payments S.385 
 FCC indecency penalties, increase S.193P.L.109-235
Federal elections, require photo ID and proof of U.S. citizenship (Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006)  H.R.4844
 Federal funding, create public database to track (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006) S.2590P.L.109-282
FEMA, reestablish as independent agency in executive branch S.1615, S.2302, S.A.4563 to H.R.5441 H.R.3656, H.R.3659, H.R.3685, H.R.3816, H.R.4493, H.R.5316
 Fence [along Mexican border] bill (Secure Fence Act of 2006) H.R.6061P.L.109-367
First-responder grantsSEE: Homeland security grants
Flag desecration, constitutional amendment prohibiting S.J.Res.12 H.J.Res.10*
 Flag display on residential property (Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005) H.R.42P.L.109-243
Fuel economy standards, increase S.889, S.3543, S.3694 H.R.705, H.R.5359, H.A.73 to H.R.6
G — Active Legislation
Gas securitySEE: Refineries
Gas tax, temporarily reduce federal S.2673 H.R.5240, H.R.5285, H.R.5302
Genetic information, prohibit employers and health insurers from discriminating on the basis of S.306 H.R.1227, H.R.6125
Global warming S.342, S.1151, S.1203, S.A.826* to H.R.6, S.A.844 to H.R.6, S.A.866* to H.R.6 H.R.759
 Gun liability (Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act) S.397P.L.109-92
H — Active Legislation
 H-2B visas, raise cap on number of seasonal workers (119 Stat. 318-321) H.R.1268P.L.109-13
Habeas corpus for detainees, restore S.4081 
Hate crimes (aid for prosecution of hate crimes) S.1145 H.R.259, H.R.2662, H.A.544 to H.R.3132
HawaiiansSEE: Native Hawaiians
Highway fundingSEE: Transportation
Holds, eliminate secret Senate holds S.A.2944 to S.2349 
Homeland security grants, provide for coordination and simplification S.A.1142* to H.R.2360 H.R.1544*
Horses, prohibit slaughter for human consumption  H.R.503
 Hurricane Katrina Emergency Assistance Act of 2005 S.1777P.L.109-176
I — Active Legislation
Identity theft S.115, S.116, S.500, S.751, S.768, S.1216, S.1326, S.1332, S.1336, S.1408, S.1789 H.R.1069, H.R.1080, H.R.3140, H.R.3997, H.R.4127, H.R.5318
 Immigrants, establish driver's license regulations and ID security standards for (REAL ID Act of 2005) (119 Stat. 302-323) H.R.1268P.L.109-13
Immigration reform (SEE ALSO: Border security) S.2611* H.R.2330, H.R.4240
Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act (provide habeas corpus protections) S.539 H.R.1151
 Insurance, increase coverage of Servicemembers' Group Life program H.R.3200P.L.109-80
 Insurance, prevent sales of abusive policies to military personnel (Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act) S.418P.L.109-290
Internet access tax moratorium, make permanent S.849 H.R.1684, H.R.1685
 Internet gambling, prohibit (Title VIII) H.R.4954P.L.109-347
 Iraq, require quarterly progress reports to Congress from the President (119 Stat. 3466-3467) S.1042P.L.109-163
Iraq, provide for redeployment of U.S. armed forces from S.A.4320 to S.2766, S.A.4442 to S.2766 
L — Active Legislation
Line item veto S.2381 H.R.4890*
Lobbying reform (SEE ALSO: Earmarks) S.2349* H.R.4975*
Lynching, apologizing to victims and their descendants for the Senate failing to enact anti-lynching legislation S.Res.39 
M — Active Legislation
Marriage, defined as between a man and a woman only, amendment to the Constitution S.J.Res.1* H.J.Res.88*
 Medical errors/patient safety (Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005) S.544P.L.109-41
Medical malpractice liability, reform S.22, S.23 H.R.5
Medicare State Reimbursement Act S.2181 H.R.4675
 Methamphetamine, curb production and other purposes (Title VII) H.R.3199P.L.109-177
"Mexico City Policy," block (funding to international family planning groups advocating abortion) S.A.278 to S.600 
 Military commissions, trials for enemy combatants S.3930P.L.109-366
 Military funeral demonstrations, prohibit at any cemetery S.4042P.L.109-464
 Military funeral demonstrations, prohibit at federal cemeteries (Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act) H.R.5037P.L.109-228
 Mine safety (Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006) S.2803P.L.109-236
Minimum wage, increase S.1062, S.2725, S.3829, S.A.44 to S.256, S.A.128 to S.256, S.A.2063 to H.R.3058, S.A.2115 to H.R.3058, S.A.4322 to S.2766, S.A.4376 to S.2766, H.R.5970*
N — Active Legislation
Native Hawaiians, extend federal recognition to S.147* H.R.309
National Anthem, affirm sung in English S.Res.458 H.Res.793
Net neutrality S.2686, S.2917 H.R.5252*
O — Active Legislation
Obesity lawsuits, curb (Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act; "cheeseburger bill")  H.R.554
P — Active Legislation
 PATRIOT Act, reauthorize H.R.3199P.L.109-177
      PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006
PAYGO requirementsSEE: Tax cuts, restore pay-as-you-go
 Pension reform (Pension Protection Act of 2006) H.R.4P.L.109-280
Pledge [of Allegiance] Protection Act, limit court jurisdiction over constitutional issues S.1046 H.R.2389
 Port security H.R.4954P.L.109-347
Presidential succession, add Secretary of Homeland Security to S.442 H.R.1455
Price gouging, prohibit S.1640, S.1717, S.1735, S.1743, S.1744, S.1854, S.1973 H.R.5253*
PrisonersSEE: Detainees
S — Active Legislation
Same-sex marriage, constitutional amendment prohibitingSEE: Marriage
Secret prisons for terrorist suspects, require intelligence officials to report on existence S.A.2507 to S.1042 
Secretary of Defense, replace S.A.4904 to H.R.5631 H.Con.Res.470
Senate committee organizing resolutions S.Res.5, S.Res.6 
 Sex offender registration and notification (Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006) H.R.4472P.L.109-248
Signing statements by president, regulate S.3731 
Small business health plans (make easier for small businesses to buy health insurance) S.1955* H.R.525
Social security numbers, enhance privacy protections and prevent fraudulent misuse S.29 H.R.82, H.R.1078, H.R.1745, H.R.5636
Social security overhaul, including creation of personal accounts S.540, S.857, S.1302 H.R.440, H.R.530, H.R.750, H.R.1776, H.R.1800, H.R.3304
Spyware, protect Internet users from unknowing transmission of personal data S.687, S.1004 H.R.29, H.R.744
 Stem cell research, adult (umbilical cord blood) H.R.2520P.L.109-129
V- Stem cell research, embryonic H.R.810 vetoed 7/19/06
Stem cell research, non-embryonic S.2754* 
 Stem cell research, prohibit fetus farming S.3504P.L.109-242
SteroidsSEE: Drug testing standards for pro athletes
T — Active Legislation
TANF reauthorizationSEE: Welfare bill, Program authorizations
Tax cuts, make permanent S.7 
Tax cuts, restore pay-as-you go requirement S.A.186 to S.Con.Res.18, S.A.2351 to S.1932, S.A.2650 to S.2020, S.A.3013 to S.Con.Res.83 
 Tax reconciliation H.R.4297P.L.109-222
Telephone Excise Tax Repeal Act of 2005 S.1321 H.R.1898
 Terri Schiavo bill (SEE ALSO: Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act) S.686P.L.109-3
 Transportation, reauthorization of surface transportation programs (SAFETEA-LU) H.R.3P.L.109-59
 Tsunami relief, accelerate tax benefits for charitable cash contributions H.R.241P.L.109-1
U — Active Legislation
United Nations reform S.1383, S.1394 H.R.2745
V — Active Legislation
 Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2005 S.1235P.L.109-233
Veterans medical care, provide more funds forSEE: FY06 Appropriations
W — Active Legislation
 Welfare bill (TANF), reauthorize through FY2010 (120 Stat. 135-140) S.1932P.L.109-171

Agency Authorizations
Amtrak, FY2006-FY2008  H.R.1630
Amtrak, FY2006-FY2011 S.1516* 
 Coast Guard, FY2006 H.R.889P.L.109-241
Coast Guard, FY2006-FY2007 S.1280 
Coast Guard, FY2007  H.R.5681
Commodity Futures Trading Commission, FY2006-FY2010  H.R.4473
 Department of Defense, FY2006 H.R.1815P.L.109-163
 Department of Defense, FY2007 H.R.5122P.L.109-364
Department of Homeland Security, FY2006  H.R.1817
Department of Homeland Security, FY2007  H.R.5814
 Department of Justice, FY2006-FY2009 (119 Stat. 3086-3135) H.R.3402P.L.109-162
Department of State, FY2006-2007 S.600 H.R.2601
 Export-Import Bank, reauthorization S.3938P.L.109-438
Intelligence agencies, FY2006 S.1803 H.R.2475
Intelligence agencies, FY2007 S.3237 H.R.5020
 Military construction, FY2006 (119 Stat. 3485-3536) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
 NASA, FY2006-FY2008 S.1281P.L.109-155
 National Institutes of Health, reauthorization H.R.6164P.L.109-482
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  H.R.5450
 National Transportation Safety Board, reauthorization H.R.5076P.L.109-443

Program Authorizations
Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, reauthorization S.2832 H.R.5812
 Child welfare programs, reauthorize (Children and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006) S.3525P.L.109-288
Endangered Species Act, reauthorization  H.R.3824
Head Start, reauthorization S.1107 H.R.2123
Higher Education Act, reauthorization S.1614 H.R.609
      Extension of Higher Education Act through June 30, 2007 (P.L. 109-238 extended programs through September 30, 2006; P.L. 109-212 extended programs through June 30, 2006; P.L. 109-150 extended programs through March 31, 2006; P.L. 109-81 extended programs through December 31, 2005.)
Millennium Challenge Act of 2003, reauthorization  H.R.4014
 Office of National Drug Control Policy Act, reauthorization H.R.6344P.L.109-469
 Older Americans Act, reauthorization H.R.6197P.L.109-365
 Ryan White CARE Act, reauthorization H.R.6143P.L.109-415
Small Business Administration, reauthorization S.2594 H.R.5352
      Extension of SBA programs through February 2, 2007
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, reauthorization S.188 H.R.557
 Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), reauthorization through FY2010 (120 Stat. 135-140) S.1932P.L.109-171
 Torture Victims Relief Act, reauthorization H.R.2017P.L.109-165
 Trafficking Victims Protection Act, reauthorization H.R.972P.L.109-164
 Violence Against Women Act, reauthorization H.R.3402P.L.109-162
 Vocational and technical education (Carl D. Perkins), reauthorization S.250P.L.109-270
 Voting Rights Act, reauthorization H.R.9P.L.109-246
Water Resources Development Act of 2005 S.728 H.R.2864
Workforce Investment Act (job training) S.1021 H.R.27

Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2006, 109th Congress, 1st Session
Budget Resolution, FY2006 S.Con.Res.18 H.Con.Res.95
 Budget reconciliation, FY2006 S.1932P.L.109-171
 Emergency Supplemental, FY2005 H.R.1268P.L.109-13
 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for immediate Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, FY2005 H.R.3645P.L.109-61
 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to further meet immediate Hurricane Katrina relief needs, FY2005 H.R.3673P.L.109-62
 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for hurricane relief and pandemic influenza, FY2006 (Division B) (119 Stat. 2745-2818) H.R.2863P.L.109-148
 Veterans Medical Services Supplemental Appropriations, FY2005 (119 Stat. 563-564) H.R.2361P.L.109-54
 Continuing appropriations (through November 18, 2005) H.J.Res.68P.L.109-77
 Continuing appropriations (through December 17, 2005) H.J.Res.72P.L.109-105
 Continuing appropriations (through December 31, 2005) H.J.Res.75P.L.109-128
 Agriculture H.R.2744P.L.109-97
 Commerce, Justice, Science, State H.R.2862P.L.109-108
 Defense H.R.2863P.L.109-148
 Energy and Water H.R.2419P.L.109-103
 Foreign Operations H.R.3057P.L.109-102
 Homeland Security H.R.2360P.L.109-90
 Interior H.R.2361P.L.109-54
 Labor, HHS, Education H.R.3010P.L.109-149
 Legislative Branch H.R.2985P.L.109-55
 Military Construction, VA H.R.2528P.L.109-114
 Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, District of Columbia H.R.3058P.L.109-115

Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2007, 109th Congress, 2nd Session
Budget Resolution, FY2007 S.Con.Res.83 H.Con.Res.376
 Emergency Supplemental for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, FY2006 H.R.4939P.L.109-234
 Continuing appropriations (through November 17, 2006) (Division B) H.R.5631P.L.109-289
 Continuing appropriations (through December 8, 2006) H.J.Res.100P.L.109-369
 Continuing appropriations (through February 15, 2007) H.J.Res.102P.L.109-383
 Continuing appropriations (through September 30, 2007) H.J.Res.20P.L.110-5
Agriculture  H.R.5384
Commerce, Justice, Science  H.R.5672
 Defense H.R.5631P.L.109-289
District of Columbia (Senate only) S.3660 
Energy and Water  H.R.5427
Foreign Operations  H.R.5522
 Homeland Security H.R.5441P.L.109-295
Interior  H.R.5386
Labor, HHS, Education S.3708 H.R.5647
Legislative Branch  H.R.5521
Military Construction, VA  H.R.5385
Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, District of Columbia  H.R.5576

Popular Reports
(You will leave the Senate server when using these links; use the "back" button to return to Active Legislation from these sites.)
9-11 Public Discourse Project, Final Report on 9-11 Commission Recommendations
2006 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
2006 Annual report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance & Disability Trust Funds
2006 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund
BRAC 2005 Closure and Realignment Impacts by State
BRAC 2005 reports (Department of Defense)
Budget, FY2007
Church Report Executive Summary (Department of Defense internal review of prisoner interrogation policies in war on terrorism)
Commission on Federal Election Reform, final report
Congressional travel, investigation by Center for Public Integrity and others
Economic Report of the President, 2006
Education Department, Office of Inspector General report on FY03 media relation services with Ketchum, Inc.
House Page Report
Human Rights, State Department Country Reports, 2005
Hurricane Katrina, Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina, Final Report of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hurricane Katrina, White House report (Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned)
Intelligence reform, report of the Subcommittee on Oversight, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Iraq Study Group Report
Iraqi National Congress, Use by the Intelligence Community of Information Provided by, report of the Senate Committee on Intelligence
Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Programs and Links to Terrorism, report of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Jack Abramoff's White House Lobbying, Report of the House Committee on Government Reform
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq (Department of Defense reports to Congress)
National Intelligence Estimate, declassified key judgments (April 2006)
National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism
National Security Strategy of the United States of America
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
Overseas Basing Commission (Commission on Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States) Final Report Final Report August 15 2005.pdf
Presidential signing statements, ABA Task Force report
Tribal Lobbying (Senate Committee on Indian Affairs)
Warrantless electronic surveillance: "Presidential Authority to Conduct Warrantless Electronic Surveillance to Gather Foreign Intelligence Information" (CRS)
Warrantless electronic surveillance: "Statutory Procedures Under Which Congress Is To Be Informed of U.S. Intelligence Activities, Including Covert Actions" (CRS)
Warrantless electronic surveillance: White House White Paper (Attorney General Alberto Gonzales)
WMD Report (Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the U.S. Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction)

Public Laws, 109th Congress (selected)
Bankruptcy reform S.256P.L.109-8
CAFTA, implement (Central American Free Trade Agreement) H.R.3045P.L.109-53
Class action lawsuits, assure fairness S.5P.L.109-2
Continuity of Congress (special elections/appointments in national emergencies) (119 Stat. 588-590) H.R.2985P.L.109-55
Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006 H.R.3127P.L.109-344
Daylight saving time, extend (119 Stat. 615) H.R.6P.L.109-58
Death gratuity for military, increase permanently (119 Stat. 3316-3317) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
Detainees, ban cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of (119 Stat. 3475) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
Detainees at Guantanamo Bay, limit habeas corpus lawsuits (119 Stat. 3477-3479) H.R.1815P.L.109-163
Digital television (Digital Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005) (Title III) S.1932P.L.109-171
Eminent domain, restrict use of (Section 726) H.R.3058P.L.109-115
Energy bill H.R.6P.L.109-58
FCC indecency penalties, increase S.193P.L.109-235
Federal funding, create public database to track (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006) S.2590P.L.109-282
Fence [along Mexican border] bill (Secure Fence Act of 2006) H.R.6061P.L.109-367
Flag display on residential property (Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005) H.R.42P.L.109-243
Gun liability (Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act) S.397P.L.109-92
H-2B visas, raise cap on number of seasonal workers (119 Stat. 318-321) H.R.1268P.L.109-13
Hurricane Katrina Emergency Assistance Act of 2005 S.1777P.L.109-176
Immigrants, establish driver's license regulations and ID security standards for (REAL ID Act of 2005) (119 Stat. 302-323) H.R.1268P.L.109-13
Insurance, increase coverage of Servicemembers' Group Life program H.R.3200P.L.109-80
Insurance, prevent sales of abusive policies to military personnel (Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act) S.418P.L.109-290
Internet gambling, prohibit (Title VIII) H.R.4954P.L.109-347
Iraq, require quarterly progress reports to Congress from the President (119 Stat. 3466-3467) S.1042P.L.109-163
Medical errors/patient safety (Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005) S.544P.L.109-41
Methamphetamine, curb production and other purposes (Title VII) H.R.3199P.L.109-177
Military commissions, trials for enemy combatants S.3930P.L.109-366
Military funeral demonstrations, prohibit at any cemetery S.4042P.L.109-464
Military funeral demonstrations, prohibit at federal cemeteries (Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act) H.R.5037P.L.109-228
Mine safety (Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act of 2006) S.2803P.L.109-236
PATRIOT Act, reauthorize H.R.3199P.L.109-177
     PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006
Pension reform (Pension Protection Act of 2006) H.R.4P.L.109-280
Port security H.R.4954P.L.109-347
Sex offender registration and notification (Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006) H.R.4472P.L.109-248
Stem cell research, adult (umbilical cord blood) H.R.2520P.L.109-129
Stem cell research, prohibit fetus farming S.3504P.L.109-242
Tax reconciliation H.R.4297P.L.109-222
Terri Schiavo bill (SEE ALSO: Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act) S.686P.L.109-3
Transportation, reauthorization of surface transportation programs (SAFETEA-LU) H.R.3P.L.109-59
Tsunami relief, accelerate tax benefits for charitable cash contributions H.R.241P.L.109-1
Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2005 S.1235P.L.109-233
Welfare bill (TANF), reauthorize through FY2010 (120 Stat. 135-140) S.1932P.L.109-171

indicates a public law *Many bills existed, but this bill received legislative attention.
Bills that did not pass have been struck through.BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action.
S.A.= Senate Amendment.V indicates a veto.
 H.A.= House Amendment.