[News From Congressman Bart Stupak] 
For Immediate Release
December 19, 2008
Contact:  Nick Choate
(202) 225-4735
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WASHINGTON – The White House announced Friday morning plans to offer General Motors and Chrysler $17.4 billion in short-term loans to prevent the domestic automakers from collapse.  U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) released the following statement: 


“When the Senate failed last week to reach an agreement on short-term loans for the domestic automakers it left a lot of uncertainty for dealers, suppliers and the millions of workers in auto-related jobs across the country.  President Bush’s announcement that the administration will tap into the Wall Street bailout funds to help the auto industry was welcome news.  I commend him for stepping up to help the automakers and middle class Americans whose jobs depend on the auto industry at a time when Senate Republicans were willing to let the automakers collapse.


“Although the White House plan includes targets for concessions by workers, I was pleased to see that the administration has appropriately left it to the auto companies, United Auto Workers and other stakeholders to work out the details. 


“Today’s announcement is a significant step toward restoring our domestic auto industry and the American middle class, but much work remains.  The American auto manufacturers produce some of the best vehicles in the world.  They have suffered disproportionately from the recession and this loan will allow them the opportunity to reorganize and retool.  This is the first step on the road to long-term sustainability for our domestic auto industry.”
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