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Nuclear Energy

Idaho National Laboratory is the Department of Energy's lead nuclear energy research and development facility. Building upon its legacy responsibilities, infrastructure and expertise, INL's nuclear energy mission is to develop advanced nuclear technologies that provide clean, abundant, affordable and reliable energy to the United States and the world. We support our government's role in leading the revitalization of the nation's nuclear power industry and re-establishing U.S. world leadership in nuclear science and technology.

The INL has the history, infrastructure, expertise and commitment to fulfill our assigned role as the nation's center for nuclear energy research and development. We also have the expertise, infrastructure and strategic partnerships necessary to advance the state of the art in:

  • Nuclear safety analysis;
  • Irradiation services;
  • Nuclear operations;
  • Management of spent nuclear fuel; and 
  • Biocorrosion of fuels.

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ATR National Scientific User Facility

Unparalleled Capabilities

Its ability to produce an extremely high neutron flux makes it possible to subject materials to the equivalent of years of radiation exposure.

Light Water Reactor Sustainability

Ensuring Nuclear Power

The LWR Sustainability Program will provide the technical foundations for licensing and managing the long-term, safe and economical operation of existing nuclear power plants.

Next Generation of Reactors

Supporting the Nuclear Renaissance

NGNP prototype to produce process heat, hydrogen, and electricity at INL.

Nuclear Science and Technology

Physics and Beyond

Explore the many INL nuclear science and technology programs.

Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

GNEP continues to grow

U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman met with officials from 21 nations in Vienna.

Space Nuclear

Stellar Performance

INL has provided power systems for NASA programs such as New Horizons.